
This LithoNode represents a component that renders to null. This is required to support reconciliation of state, and transitions on a component that conditionally renders to null.


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var customDelegateBindersForMountSpec: MutableMap<Class<*>, RenderUnit.DelegateBinder<Any, Any, Any>>?

Returns a nullable map of RenderUnit.DelegateBinder that is aimed to be used to set the optional mount binders right after creating a MountSpecLithoRenderUnit.

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var focusedHandler: EventHandler<FocusedVisibleEvent>?
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var fullImpressionHandler: EventHandler<FullImpressionVisibleEvent>?
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var invisibleHandler: EventHandler<InvisibleEvent>?
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var primitive: Primitive?
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A unique identifier which may be set for retrieving a component and its bounds when testing.

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val transitionId: TransitionId?
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var transitionKeyType: Transition.TransitionKeyType?
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var unfocusedHandler: EventHandler<UnfocusedVisibleEvent>?
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var visibilityChangedHandler: EventHandler<VisibilityChangedEvent>?
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var visibleHandler: EventHandler<VisibleEvent>?
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fun addAttachable(attachable: Attachable)
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fun addChildAt(child: LithoNode, index: Int)
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fun addCustomBinders(delegateBindersMap: Map<Class<*>, RenderUnit.DelegateBinder<Any, Any, Any>>? = null)

The goal of this method is to add the optional mount binders to the associated to this LithoNode. If we are dealing with a Primitive, we will get the corresponding LithoNode and associate the binders map as optional mount binders. For this reason, this method should be called as soon as their RenderUnit is created. In Litho, this happens in the Resolve phase, specifically when the mount content preparation is invoked.

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fun addTransition(transition: Transition)
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fun alignContent(alignContent: YogaAlign)
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fun alignItems(alignItems: YogaAlign)
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fun appendComponent(scopedComponentInfo: ScopedComponentInfo)
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fun applyAttributes(c: Context, @AttrRes defStyleAttr: Int, @StyleRes defStyleRes: Int)
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fun applyNodeInfo(nodeInfo: NodeInfo?)
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fun applyParentDependentCommonProps(context: CalculationContext, parentLayoutDirection: LayoutDirection, parentImportantForAccessibility: Int = ImportantForAccessibility.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO, parentEnabledState: Int = NodeInfo.ENABLED_UNSET, parentDuplicatesParentState: Boolean = true)
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open fun background(background: Drawable? = null)
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open fun backgroundColor(@ColorInt backgroundColor: Int)
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open fun backgroundRes(context: Context, @DrawableRes resId: Int)
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open fun border(border: Border)
open fun border(widths: IntArray, colors: IntArray, radii: FloatArray, effect: PathEffect?)
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open override fun calculateLayout(context: LayoutContext<LithoLayoutContext>, sizeConstraints: SizeConstraints): LithoLayoutResult
open fun calculateLayout(context: LayoutContext<LithoLayoutContext>, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): LayoutResult
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fun child(child: LithoNode?)
fun child(resolveContext: ResolveContext, c: ComponentContext, child: Component?)
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open override fun clone(): LithoNode
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open override fun createLayoutResult(layoutOutput: YogaLayoutOutput): LithoLayoutResult
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fun duplicateChildrenStates(duplicateChildrenStates: Boolean)
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fun duplicateParentState(duplicateParentState: Boolean)
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fun flexDirection(direction: YogaFlexDirection)
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fun focusedHandler(focusedHandler: EventHandler<FocusedVisibleEvent>?)
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open fun foreground(foreground: Drawable? = null)
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open fun foregroundColor(@ColorInt foregroundColor: Int)
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open fun foregroundRes(context: Context, @DrawableRes resId: Int)
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fun fullImpressionHandler(fullImpressionHandler: EventHandler<FullImpressionVisibleEvent>?)
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fun getChildAt(index: Int): LithoNode
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open fun importantForAccessibility(importantForAccessibility: Int): LithoNode
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fun invisibleHandler(invisibleHandler: EventHandler<InvisibleEvent>?): LithoNode
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fun justifyContent(justifyContent: YogaJustify)
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fun layerType(type: Int, paint: Paint?)
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open fun layoutDirection(direction: LayoutDirection)
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Note: Is only resolved after layout.

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fun setMeasureFunction(measureFunction: YogaMeasureFunction)
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fun setNestedPadding(padding: Edges?, isPercentage: BooleanArray?)
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fun stateListAnimator(stateListAnimator: StateListAnimator?)
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fun testKey(testKey: String?)
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fun touchExpansionPx(edge: YogaEdge, @Px touchExpansion: Int)
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fun transitionKey(key: String?, ownerKey: String?)
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fun transitionKeyType(type: Transition.TransitionKeyType?)
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fun unfocusedHandler(unfocusedHandler: EventHandler<UnfocusedVisibleEvent>?)
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fun visibilityChangedHandler(visibilityChangedHandler: EventHandler<VisibilityChangedEvent>?)
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fun visibilityOutputTag(visibilityOutputTag: String?)
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fun visibleHandler(visibleHandler: EventHandler<VisibleEvent>?)
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fun visibleHeightRatio(visibleHeightRatio: Float)
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fun visibleWidthRatio(visibleWidthRatio: Float)
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fun wrap(wrap: YogaWrap)
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open fun wrapInView()