Package-level declarations


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class CrossFade(showComponentB: Boolean, componentA: Component, componentB: Component, transitionType: TransitionType = TransitionType.FADE_IN_FADE_OUT) : KComponent
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class ExpandToReveal(isExpanded: Boolean, component: Component, transitionAnimator: Transition.TransitionAnimator = SPRING_WITH_OVERSHOOT) : KComponent

Component implementing the Expand to Reveal behavior

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data class TransitionKeyStyleItemValue(val transitionKey: String?, val transitionKeyType: Transition.TransitionKeyType)
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inline fun Style.transitionKey(context: ComponentContext, transitionKey: String?, transitionKeyType: Transition.TransitionKeyType = TransitionKeyType.LOCAL): Style

Sets transition key and Transition.TransitionKeyType on the View this Component mounts to. Setting this property will cause the Component to be represented as a View at mount time if it wasn't going to already.

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fun ComponentScope.useTransition(transition: Transition?)

Defines one or more Transition animations for the given component

fun ComponentScope.useTransition(createTransition: UseTransitionScope.() -> Transition?)

Defines single or multiple Transition animations for the given component.

fun ComponentScope.useTransition(vararg deps: Any?, createTransition: UseTransitionScope.() -> Transition?)

Defines one or more Transition animations for the given component and allows for the Transition to be re-evaluated based on changes in the deps