Package-level declarations


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abstract class BaseRenderInfo : RenderInfo
Keeps the list item information that will allow the framework to understand how to render it.
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interface Binder<V : ViewGroup?>
This binder class is used to asynchronously layout Components given a list of Component and attaching them to a ViewGroup through the bind method.
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LinearSmoothScroller subclass that snaps the target position to center.
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A callback invoked when the data for a section has been dispatched to the underlying RecyclerView.
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open class ClearFocusEvent
Event sent to TextEdit to clear focus.
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A listener that reacts to click and long click events on a clickable span.
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A provider function for a Component.
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RenderInfo that can render components.
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open class ComponentTreeHolder
A class used to store the data backing a RecyclerBinder.
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open class ComponentWarmer
Pool for pre-computing and storing ComponentTrees.
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Implementation of the LinearSnapHelper supporting hscroll custom target child view The implementation will snap the center of the custom target child view to the center of the attached RecyclerView.
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Interface to provide name of the model used for tracing purposes.
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LinearSmoothScroller subclass that snaps the target position to start/end or either ends.
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Event sent by EditText when the return key is pressed or the IME signals an 'action'.
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EditTextStateUpdatePolicy specifies when EditText component should update its internal input state
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Use this with TextInput to get the field's current line count.
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open class GetTextEvent
Use this with TextInput to get the field's current text.
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Event sent to TextEdit to make cursor invisible.

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A controller that can be passed as com.facebook.litho.annotations.Prop to a to trigger events from outside the component hierarchy.
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Extension of HorizontalScrollView that allows to add more features needed for @.
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@MountSpec(isPureRender = true, poolSize = 30, canPreallocate = true)
open class ImageSpec
A component that is able to display drawable resources.
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Event that corresponds to an underlying android.widget.EditText#onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo editorInfo).
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Event sent by EditText when the input focus changed by user
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Event sent to Spinner once an item has been selected.
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open class KeyPreImeEvent
Event that corresponds to an underlying android.widget.EditText#onKeyPreIme().
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open class KeyUpEvent
Event that corresponds to an underlying android.widget.EditText#onKeyUp().
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A Factory used to create RunnableHandlers in RecyclerBinder.
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An implementation of this interface will provide the RecyclerBinder with all the information about the RecyclerView layout.
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open class LayoutInfoUtils
Utility class for calculating the wrapped height of given holders.
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An implementation for LayoutInfo to implement linear lists with a .
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Extension of RecyclerView that allows to add more features needed for @
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Extension of NestedScrollView that allows to add more features needed for @.
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A factory used to create LithoViews in RecyclerBinder.
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Extension of ClickableSpan that provides longclick capability in addition to click.
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Mountable CharSequence that is aware when the Text component using this CharSequence is mounted and unmounted.
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Because a LayoutInfo/LayoutManager may rely on padding to generate a child measure specs, and because padding isn't accessible in a thread-safe way, this interface gives a LayoutManager the chance to record the RecyclerView's padding when it's attached.

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open class PTRRefreshEvent
An event that is triggered when a pull-to-refresh action is performed.
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This binder class is used to asynchronously layout Components given a list of Component and attaching them to a RecyclerSpec.
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A delegation that is used to customize the adapter behaviour for the RecyclerView that the RecyclerBinder uses.
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data class RecyclerBinderConfig(val componentsConfiguration: ComponentsConfiguration? = null, val isCircular: Boolean = false, val lithoViewFactory: LithoViewFactory? = null, val hScrollAsyncMode: Boolean = false, val requestMountForPrefetchedItems: Boolean = false, val recyclerViewItemPrefetch: Boolean = false, val itemViewCacheSize: Int = 0, val componentWarmer: ComponentWarmer? = null, val estimatedViewportCount: Int? = null, val hasDynamicItemHeight: Boolean = false, val layoutHandlerFactory: LayoutHandlerFactory? = null, val threadPoolConfig: LayoutThreadPoolConfiguration? = null, val rangeRatio: Float = DEFAULT_RANGE_RATIO, val enableStableIds: Boolean = ComponentsConfiguration.defaultRecyclerBinderUseStableId, val wrapContent: Boolean = false)

This configuration is meant to be used in the context of RecyclerBinder. It allows you to define to define specific behavior changes to the default behaviour of the RecyclerBinder.

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This builder is just a helper class for Java clients.

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An implementation of ListUpdateCallback that generates the relevant Components when an item is inserted/updated.
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The ViewHolder that hosts LithoView used by RecyclerBinder
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An controller that can be passed as com.facebook.litho.annotations.Prop to a Recycler component to trigger events from outside the component hierarchy.
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An interface for generating traversing order for a range.
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open class ReMeasureEvent
An event that a RecyclerBinder can trigger to notify the Recycler that it should re-measure.
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interface RenderInfo
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Holds a mapping of Views inside a Litho hierarchy to related debugging information.
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Helper class to keep track of the different view types that we're rendering using ViewRenderInfo.
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open class ReplaceTextEvent
Replaces the text input text from startIndex to endIndex with the given text.
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Event sent to TextEdit to request focus.
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Scroll change listener invoked when the scroll position changes.
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open class SectionsDebug
Utilities for sections debugging.
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Wrapper that encapsulates all the features RecyclerSpec provides such as sticky header and pull-to-refresh
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Event sent by EditText when the selection (particular case: cursor position) gets changed by user
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Event sent to TextEdit to send accessibility event.
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Use this with TextInput to set the field's current selection.
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open class SetTextEvent
Use this with TextInput to set the field's current text.
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Event sent to TextEdit to make cursor visible.

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open class SnapUtil
Utility class containing snapping related behavior of RecyclerView.
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open class SpinnerSpec
A simple spinner (dropdown) component.
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An implementation for LayoutInfo to implement staggered grids with a .
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Enumeration of text alignment values.
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open class TextChangedEvent
Event sent by EditText when the text entered by the user changes.
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A Drawable for mounting text content from a Component.
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Text component should implement an event of this type in order to receive callback on what was the text offset when text was touched initially.
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@MountSpec(isPureRender = true, poolSize = 30, canPreallocate = true, events = [TextOffsetOnTouchEvent::class])
open class TextSpec
Component to render text.
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open class TextureWarmer
A class that schedules a background draw of a Layout or Drawable.
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A listener that reacts to touch events on a clickable span.
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A wrapper around RenderInfo that also stores TreeProps used for rendering the component.
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Enum for setting vertical gravity of a component.
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A controller that can be passed as com.facebook.litho.annotations.Prop to a to trigger events from outside the component hierarchy.
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@MountSpec(hasChildLithoViews = true, isPureRender = true)
open class VerticalScrollSpec
Component that wraps another component, allowing it to be vertically scrollable.
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interface ViewportInfo
An implementation of this interface will provide both the 's current visible views position and the total number of items in its androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter.
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RenderInfo that can render views.
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open class WidgetAttributes
Collection of the AttributeKey that are used across Litho's widgets.