
These values are safe defaults and should not require manual changes.

This class hosts all the config parameters that the ComponentTree configures it self .... enable and disable features ... A Component tree uses the .defaultComponentsConfiguration by default but a Builder can be used to create new instances of the config to override the default parameters ... The default config values can also be overridden by manually setting their values in .defaultBuilder


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class Builder

This is a builder that only exists so that Java clients can have an easier time creating and overriding specific configurations. For Kotlin one can use directly the named parameters on the ComponentsConfiguration constructor.

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object Companion


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This is a temporary config param for debugging state list animator crashes during layout of a ComponentHost

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Determines whether we log, crash, or do nothing if an invalid com.facebook.litho.ComponentHost view modification is detected.

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Determines the pooling behavior for component hosts

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val componentsLogger: ComponentsLogger? = null
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You can define a ComponentTreeDebugEventListener to listen on specific litho lifecycle related events.

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This flag is used to enable a fix for the issue where a cached NestedTree getting lost of state containers

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This flag is used to enable a fix for the issue where components that match the host view size do not get unmounted when they go out of the viewport.

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This will enable the fix for render in flight

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This will skip calling onDraw for ComponentHost.

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This will enable logging for render in-flight

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This will remove size specs from the resolve phase, which could potentially improve the possibility of reusing resolve result.

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This class is an error event handler that clients can optionally set on a ComponentTree to gracefully handle uncaught/unhandled exceptions thrown from the framework while resolving a layout.

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Whether the com.facebook.rendercore.MountState can be mounted using incremental mount.

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When enabled the framework will add an additional binder to Host RenderUnits to clean up view attributes that may have been added by non-litho code.

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This will perform an optimization that will verify if the same size specs were used. However, this creates a bug in a specific scenario where double measure happens.

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The handler ComponentTree will be used to run the pre-allocation process

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This defines which strategy we will use to bind the com.facebook.litho.sections.widget.ExperimentalRecycler.

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This flag is used to enable the use of default item animators in lazy collections, so that the behavior is compatible to what exists nowadays in the com.facebook.litho.sections.widget.RecyclerCollectionComponent.

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Determines whether we should enable stable ids by default in the com.facebook.litho.widget.RecyclerBinder

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This flag is used to enable the redesigned event handler rebinding logic.

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val visibilityBoundsTransformer: VisibilityBoundsTransformer? = null
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Whether the com.facebook.LithoView associated with the com.facebook.litho.ComponentTree will process visibility events.