Package-level declarations


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object Animated
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Interface representing single animation (like Animated.timing or Animated.spring) or a collection of them

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Listener that allows to listen for animation finish or cancel events.

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object Easing
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class LoopAnimation(repeatCount: Int, animation: AnimatedAnimation) : AnimatedAnimation

Creates animation that will run in a loop repeatCount times when LoopAnimation.start is triggered

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Creates collection of animators that will run in parallel when ParallelAnimation.start is triggered

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Creates collection of animators that will run one after another in sequence when SequenceAnimation.start is triggered

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class SpringConfig(var stiffness: Float = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW, var dampingRatio: Float = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_MEDIUM_BOUNCY)

The stiffer the spring is, the harder it is to stretch it and the faster it undergoes dampening. Spring damping ratio describes behavior after the disturbance, over-damp values (more than 1) make the spring quickly return to the rest position. Under-damp values (less than 1) cause overshooting. Damping equal to 0 will cause the spring to oscillate forever. (The lower the damping ratio, the higher the bounciness)


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inline fun Style.alpha(alpha: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.background(background: DynamicValue<out Drawable>): Style
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inline fun Style.backgroundColor(background: DynamicValue<Int>): Style
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inline fun Style.elevation(elevation: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.foregroundColor(foreground: DynamicValue<Int>): Style
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inline fun Style.rotation(rotation: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.rotationX(rotationX: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.rotationY(rotationY: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.scaleX(scaleX: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.scaleY(scaleY: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.translationX(translationX: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.translationY(translationY: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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inline fun Style.translationZ(translationZ: DynamicValue<Float>): Style
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fun <T> ComponentScope.useBinding(initialValue: T): DynamicValue<T>

Creates a DynamicValue with a static initial value. This DynamicValue can be passed to the variants of Style properties that take DynamicValue, like Style.backgroundColor or Style.translationY. You can then imperatively set a new value on the main thread to update that property without a state update, or use the collection of Animated APIs to drive animations on this DynamicValue, which will in turn animate the property.

fun <T, S> ComponentScope.useBinding(binding: DynamicValue<T>, transform: (T) -> S): DynamicValue<S>

Creates a DynamicValue deriving from an existing binding param, with modifications applied by transform function.