
class LegacyLithoTestRule @JvmOverloads constructor(val componentsConfiguration: ComponentsConfiguration? = null, val themeResId: Int? = null) : TestRule


Please use LithoTestRule and TestLithoView instead

This test utility allows clients to test assertion on the view hierarchy rendered by a Litho components. The utility has methods to override the default {@link LithoView}, {@link ComponentTree}, width, and height specs.

class LithoSampleTest {

@Rule @JvmField val lithoViewRule = LegacyLithoTestRule()
fun test() {
lithoViewRule.render { TestComponent() }

// or you can use setRoot/measure/layout for more fine-grained control
val lithoViewTest = lithoViewRule.attachToWindow().setRoot(TestComponent()).measure().layout()
// Test your assertions on the litho view.


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constructor(componentsConfiguration: ComponentsConfiguration? = null, themeResId: Int? = null)


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object Companion
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inner class InteractionsScope

Class which exposes interactions that can take place on a view. Exposing interactions in this class ensures that they are only accessible within act, where the proper threading is taken into account to properly update the components and views.


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val themeResId: Int? = null
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Perform any interactions defined in the InteractionScope or on the LegacyLithoTestRule.

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open override fun apply(base: Statement, description: Description): Statement
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Explicitly attaches current root LithoView

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Explicitly detaches current root LithoView

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fun findAllComponents(vararg clazz: Class<out Component?>): List<Component>
fun findAllComponents(vararg clazz: KClass<out Component>): List<Component>

Returns a list of all components of the given classes from the ComponentTree or an empty list if not found

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Returns a component of the given class from the ComponentTree or null if not found

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Returns a component of the given class only if it is a direct child of the root component

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fun findViewWithContentDescription(contentDescription: String): View

Finds the first View with the specified content description in the rendered hierarchy, throwing if it doesn't exist.

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Finds the first View with the specified content description in the rendered hierarchy, returning null if is doesn't exist.

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Finds the first View with the specified tag in the rendered hierarchy, throwing if it doesn't exist.

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Finds the first View with the specified tag in the rendered hierarchy, returning null if is doesn't exist.

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fun findViewWithText(@StringRes resourceId: Int): View

Finds the first View with the specified text in the rendered hierarchy, throwing if it doesn't exist.

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Finds the first View with the specified text in the rendered hierarchy, returning null if is doesn't exist.

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fun idle()

Runs through all tasks on the background thread and main lopper, blocking until it completes. Use if there are any async events triggered by layout ( ie visibility events) to manually drain the queue

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Explicitly calls layout on the current root LithoView. If there are any async events triggered by layout use together with idle

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Explicitly calls measure on the current root LithoView

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Explicitly releases current root LithoView

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fun render(componentFunction: ComponentScope.() -> Component?)

Sets the new root to render.

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Runs through all tasks on the background thread only, not touching the main lopper, blocking until it completes.

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Sets the new root Component.Builder to render.

Sets the new root Component to render.

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fun setRootAndSizeSpecSync(component: Component?, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): LegacyLithoTestRule

Sets the new root Component with new size spec to render.

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Sets the new root Component.Builder to render asynchronously.

Sets the new root Component to render asynchronously.

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fun setSizePx(widthPx: Int, heightPx: Int): LegacyLithoTestRule

Sets a new width and height which should be used to render.

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fun setSizeSpecs(widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): LegacyLithoTestRule

Sets a new width spec and height spec which should be used to render.

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fun setTreeProp(klass: Class<*>, instance: Any?): LegacyLithoTestRule

Sets a new TreeProp for the next layout pass.

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Sets a new ComponentTree which should be used to render.

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Sets a new LithoView which should be used to render.