
open class ComponentContext

A Context subclass for use within the Components framework. Contains extra bookkeeping information used internally in the library.


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constructor(context: Context)
This constructors takes a Context.
constructor(context: Context, @Nullable lithoConfiguration: LithoConfiguration, @Nullable treePropContainer: TreePropContainer)
constructor(context: ComponentContext)


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open fun calculateLayoutOutputId(componentKey: String, type: Int): Long
Calculates a returns a unique ID for a given component key and output type.
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inline fun ComponentContext.dimenRes(@DimenRes id: Int): Dimen

Resolve a dimen resource ID as a Dimen value.

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open fun <T : View?> findViewWithTag(tag: Any): T
A utility function to find the View with a given tag under the current Component's LithoView.
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open fun getCachedValue(globalKey: String, index: Int, cachedValueInputs: Any): Any
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open fun getColor(@ColorRes id: Int): Int
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open fun getGlobalKey(): String
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open fun getLayoutVersion(): Int
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open fun getLogger(): ComponentsLogger
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open fun <T> getParentTreeProp(key: Class<T>): T
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open fun getResourceCache(): ResourceCache
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open fun getResourceResolver(): ResourceResolver
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open fun getString(@StringRes resId: Int): String
open fun getString(@StringRes resId: Int, formatArgs: Array<Any>): String
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open fun getText(@StringRes resId: Int): CharSequence
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open fun <T> getTreeProp(key: Class<T>): T
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Obtain a copy of the tree props currently held by this context.
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Checks if incremental mount is enabled given a ComponentContext, so you can throw an error if you require that incremental mount is enabled (e.g.
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Creates a new ComponentContext based on the given ComponentContext, propagating log tag, logger, and tree props.
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open fun <E> newEventHandler(id: Int, @Nullable params: Array<Any>): EventHandler<E>
TODO: Add rebind mode to this API.
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open fun obtainStyledAttributes(attrs: Array<Int>, @AttrRes defStyleAttr: Int): TypedArray
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open fun putCachedValue(globalKey: String, index: Int, cachedValueInputs: Any, @Nullable cachedValue: Any)
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open fun updateStateAsync(stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, attribution: String)
Notify the Component Tree that it needs to asynchronously perform a state update.
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open fun updateStateSync(stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, attribution: String)
Notify the Component Tree that it needs to synchronously perform a state update.
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open fun updateStateWithTransition(stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, attribution: String)