Package-level declarations


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A list of all roles used for accessibility. There is no API for these in Android yet, so roles are currently based off of the class being rendered. These roles are defined by Google's TalkBack screen reader, and this list should be kept up to date with their implementation.

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class ActionAttributeKey<T>(description: String) : AttributeKey<T>

This type of key is used to represent an attribute that reflects an Action (such as click, long click, etc).

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object Animations
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Utilities for animations debug.

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This abstraction allows us to retrieve a LifecycleOwner. This class is meant to be used to identify the closest LifecycleOwner and associate it to the ComponentTree.

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This LithoVisibilityEventsController implementation dispatches to the registered observers the lifecycle state changes triggered by the provided LifecycleOwner. For example, if a Fragment is passed as param, the observers will be registered to listen to all of the fragment's lifecycle state changes.

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interface Attachable

Interface for something (e.g. a Component or a useEffect registration) which should receive callbacks when it is attached/detached from the tree.

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Manages dispatching attach/detach events to a set of Attachable.

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open class AttributeKey<T>(val description: String)

This abstraction is used as an identifier for a given attribute of type T. Attributes are used for testing purposes, allowing the clients to filter and assert on Component according to them.

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Defines an abstraction that knows how to store attributes.

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Simple holder which allows to store and retrieve attributes.

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abstract class BaseMountingView @JvmOverloads constructor(    context: ComponentContext,     attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : ComponentHost, RenderCoreExtensionHost, AnimatedRootHost
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A Batched State Update Strategy will define when do we schedule a final state update and corresponding layout calculation, so that we can enqueue the most reasonable number of state updates without incurring with an excessive number of layout calculations.

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class Border : Equivalence<Border>

Represents a collection of attributes that describe how a border should be applied to a layout

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class BoundaryWorkingRange @JvmOverloads constructor(offset: Int = OFFSET) : WorkingRange

An implementation of working range that uses offset to define the upper bound and the lower boundary. If the position is inside the boundary, it's in the range, otherwise it's out of the range.

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typealias ClassValuePair<T> = Pair<Class<T>, T>

Defines a single tree prop, i.e. a mapping from type to concrete instance of that type that is visible to the subtree, to be used with TreePropProvider.

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Interface for the onCleanup function: use onCleanup to define the cleanup function for your useEffect hook.

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open class ClickEvent
Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive Android click events.
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Provides util methods for common collection patterns.

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A Component that renders its children in a column.

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class CommonProps : LayoutProps, Equivalence<CommonProps?>

Internal class that holds props that are common to all Components.

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abstract class Component : Cloneable, Equivalence<T> , AttributesAcceptor
Represents a unique instance of a component.
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open class ComponentContext
A Context subclass for use within the Components framework.
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Focus change listener that triggers its underlying event handler.

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open class ComponentHost(    context: Context,     attrs: AttributeSet?,     unsafeModificationPolicy: ComponentHost.UnsafeModificationPolicy?) : Host, DisappearingHost, SupportsPivotTransform

A ViewGroup that can host the mounted state of a Component. This is used by MountState to wrap mounted drawables to handle click events and update drawable states accordingly.

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interface ComponentLayout

Represents a Component's computed layout state. The computed bounds will be used by the framework to define the size and position of the component's mounted android.view.Views and returned by com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnMeasure.

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Long click listener that triggers its underlying event handler.

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class ComponentResolveResult(val lithoNode: LithoNode?, val commonProps: CommonProps?)

The result of a Component#resolveWithResult call. This will hold the LithoNode this Component resolved to as well as CommonProps of this component.

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open class ComponentScope(val context: ComponentContext, resolveContext: ResolveContext? = null) : ResourcesScope

The implicit receiver for KComponent.render call. This class exposes the ability to use hooks, like useState, and convenience functions, like dp.

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This is intended as a hook into android.util.Log, but allows you to provide your own functionality. Use it as ComponentsReporter.emitMessage(level, message); As a default, it simply calls android.util.Log (see DefaultComponentsReporter). You may supply your own with ComponentsReporter.provide.

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This is intended as a hook into android.os.Trace, but allows you to provide your own functionality. Use it as

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Touch listener that triggers its underlying event handler.

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Represents a tree of components and controls their life cycle.
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This is used as a listener for events that happen on the scope of a given ComponentTree. These events can be related with both the render UI pipeline, or with the view-side events created by rendercore in the LithoView that is associated to the ComponentTree to which this listener observes.

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Helper class in charge of dumping the component hierarchy related to a provided ComponentContext

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annotation class ContainerDsl

Marker for the Litho container component DSL. This makes sure that when we have scope-specific functions like child() to add children, they can only apply to the closest receiver annotated with ContainerDsl.

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class ContentPreAllocator(    treeId: Int,     componentContext: ComponentContext,     mountContentHandler: RunnableHandler,     avoidRedundantPreAllocations: Boolean,     logger: ComponentsLogger?,     nodeSupplier: () -> List<RenderTreeNode>,     preAllocator: (Context, ContentAllocator<*>, PoolScope) -> Boolean)

Pre-allocate the mount content of all MountSpec in the given ComponentTree.

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A DebugComponent represents a node in Litho's component hierarchy. DebugComponent removes the need to worry about implementation details of whether a node is represented by a [ ] or a ComponentLayout. The purpose of this class is for tools such as Flipper's UI inspector to be able to easily visualize a component hierarchy without worrying about implementation details of Litho.

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Describes DebugComponents for use in testing and debugging. Note that com.facebook.litho.config.ComponentsConfiguration#isEndToEndTestRun must be enabled in order for this data to be collected.

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DebugHierarchy provides a light(er) weight way to track and access information about the component parentage of a given com.facebook.rendercore.MountItem. For a given com.facebook.rendercore.MountItem, it provides access to a linked list of Class objects representing the class of the Component and each of it's hierarchy parents.

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A DebugLayoutNode is a wrapper around InternalNode which allows debug tools to inspect and mutate internal nodes without making InternalNode a public class. This class should never be used in production and only for building debug tools.

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open class DefaultComponentsReporter : ErrorReporterDelegate
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open class DefaultComponentsSystrace : Systracer
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Default implementation of ErrorEvent handler.

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class DelegatingEventHandler<E> @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 4) constructor(    eventHandler1: EventHandler<E>,     eventHandler2: EventHandler<E>) : EventHandler<E>

An event handler that takes two event handlers and calls both of them when an event is dispatched.

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Defines a tooltip that can be passed to the ComponentTree to be anchored to a component. The framework takes care of finding the position where the tooltip needs to anchored.

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Allows a new DynamicValue to be derived from an existing DynamicValue, with modifications applied.

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class Diff<T>(val previous: T?, var next: T?)

Represents a diff between two T values. It should be used when defining the ShouldUpdate callback in a ComponentSpec and may be used in OnCreateTransition to define animations based on incoming changes. A Diff holds the previous and next value for a specific Prop or State for a ComponentSpec.

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interface DiffNode : Cloneable

A lightweight representation of a layout node, used to cache measurements between two Layout tree calculations.

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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent
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Static class containing a factory method for creating a matrix to apply to a drawable.

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Takes care of dynamic Props

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open class DynamicValue<T>(initialValue: T)

Class represents a DynamicValue, and provides users with ability to change the value, by exposing one public method set It also allows attaching listeners (package level access), and takes care of notifying them when the held value changes.

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class DynamicValueOutput(    val component: Component,     val scopedContext: ComponentContext?,     val commonDynamicProps: SparseArray<out DynamicValue<Any?>>)
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class Edges : Equivalence<Edges?>
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A component which renders nothing.

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class EndToEndTestingExtension(    mountDelegateTarget: MountDelegateTarget) : MountExtension<EndToEndTestingExtension.EndToEndTestingExtensionInput, Void?>
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An interfaced used by ComponentContext to notify the holder of a Litho hierarchy that as a result of error handling the root of the tree should change to a Litho component representing the error.

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open class ErrorEvent
An event used internally to propagate exceptions up the hierarchy.
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This class is an error event handler that clients can optionally set on a ComponentTree to gracefully handle uncaught/unhandled exceptions thrown from the framework while resolving a layout.

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fun interface EventDispatcher

A class implementing this fun interface will expose a method to dispatch an com.facebook.litho.annotations.Event given an EventHandler.

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Plugin style that can be used for instrument before & after the event is dispatched by EventDispatcher.dispatchOnEvent

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class EventDispatchInfo(var hasEventDispatcher: HasEventDispatcher? = null, var componentContext: ComponentContext? = null)

Holds onto the mutable data used to dispatch an event. This data is kept up-to-date with the latest version of the owning component or section by EventHandlersController.

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open class EventHandler<E> : Function<ReturnType> , Equivalence<T>
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Controller which makes sure EventHandler instances are bound to the latest instance of the Component/Section that created them.

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class EventTrigger<E>(parentKey: String, val id: Int, childKey: String, val handle: Handle?)

Allows a top-down communication with a component and its immediate parent. The component must be able to handle com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnTrigger events in order to accept an EventTrigger.

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Keeps all valid instances of EventTrigger from the hierarchy when the layout is completed

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A class implementing this fun interface wll expose a method annotated with com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnTrigger to accept an com.facebook.litho.annotations.Event given an EventTrigger

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class ExecutorLithoHandler(executor: Executor) : RunnableHandler

A LithoHandler implementation that runs all layout computations against the provided Executor. This LithoHandler can be used in apps that have a well established threading model and need to run layout against one of their already available executors.

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class FlexboxContainerScope(val context: ComponentContext, children: MutableList<Component> = mutableListOf()) : ResourcesScope

The implicit receiver for the trailing lambda on ResourcesScope.Column or ResourcesScope.Row. The receiver gives the ability to add children to this container.

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Event triggered when focus changes on a Component.
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class FocusOrderModel(val key: String)
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Create multiple FocusOrderModels, which can to be used to specify a focus traversal order.

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class Handle

Instances of this class are used to uniquely identify Components for triggering external events including showing a LithoTooltip or triggering an com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnTrigger event.

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fun interface HasEventDispatcher

A class implementing this interface will expose a method to retrieve an EventDispatcher.

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fun interface HasEventTrigger

A class implementing this fun interface will expose a method to record all the EventTrigger into a EventTriggersContainer

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An fun interface that a mountable view can extend which informs that this mountable content has other LithoView children. This is used to make sure to unmount this view's children when unmounting this view itself.

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fun interface HookInitializer<T>

Interface for a block of code that will initialize a hook value.

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EXPERIMENTAL - fun interface for a block of code that will update state created with useState. See KState.kt for more details.

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class HostMountContentPool(maxSize: Int, isEnabled: Boolean) : MountContentPools.ContentPool

A specific MountContentPool for HostComponent - needed to do correct recycling with things like duplicateParentState.

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interface ImageContent

A UI element that contains simple resource drawables.

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class InitialState

The InitialStateContainer is a lookaside table used by a ComponentTree to create initial states for Components. The idea is that the onCreateInitialState result for each component will be cached and stored here so that we can guarantee it's not called multiple times on multiple threads. We keep the initial states cached as long as there is a layout happening for the ComponentTree. As soon as we detect that all in-flights layout have terminated we can clean up the initial states cache.

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Components should implement an event of this type in order to intercept Android touch events.
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Container for inter-stage props. A component with inter-stage props will generate its own InterStagePropsContainer implementation which will hold fields for each inter-stage prop specified.

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class JavaStyle
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abstract class KComponent : Component

Base class for Kotlin Components.

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The StateContainer implementation for Kotlin components. It tracks all the state defined by useState calls for the same component. See KState for how this is being used. This is a purely immutable class and it exposes utilities to create a new instance with either a new piece of state or by changing the value at a given index

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annotation class LayerType

Enumerates all the valid valid for Component.Builder#layerType(int, Paint)

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LayoutParams that override the LayoutManager.

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interface LayoutProps
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class LayoutState : IncrementalMountExtensionInput, VisibilityExtensionInput, TransitionsExtensionInput, EndToEndTestingExtension.EndToEndTestingExtensionInput, PotentiallyPartialResult, DynamicPropsExtensionInput

The main role of LayoutState is to hold the output of layout calculation. This includes mountable outputs and visibility outputs. A centerpiece of the class is LithoReducer#setSizeAfterMeasureAndCollectResults(ComponentContext, LithoLayoutContext, LayoutState) which prepares the before-mentioned outputs based on the provided LithoNode for later use in MountState.

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class LayoutTreeFuture(    resolveResult: ResolveResult,     currentLayoutState: LayoutState?,     diffTreeRoot: DiffNode?,     perfEvent: PerfEvent?,     widthSpec: Int,     heightSpec: Int,     treeId: Int,     version: Int,     source: Int) : TreeFuture<LayoutState>
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class LithoAnimtableItem(id: Long, absoluteBounds: Rect, outputType: Int, nodeInfo: NodeInfo?, transitionId: TransitionId?) : AnimatableItem

Litho's implementation of the AnimatableItem required by the TransitionsExtension to power animations. This object should NOT be used to inform the should update during mounting, therefore it should NOT be used to host any such information.

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data class LithoConfiguration(    val componentsConfig: ComponentsConfiguration,     val areTransitionsEnabled: Boolean,     val renderUnitIdGenerator: RenderUnitIdGenerator?)
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Simple wrapper of GestureDetector to be used in Litho lifecycle methods. Using this class ensures that UI Thread Handler is used for detecting gestures.

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Helper for dispatching events to multiple MountListenerExtensions in Litho.
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class LithoLayoutContext(    val treeId: Int,     val cache: MeasuredResultCache,     rootContext: ComponentContext?,     treeState: TreeState?,     val layoutVersion: Int,     val rootComponentId: Int,     val isAccessibilityEnabled: Boolean,     val layoutCache: LayoutCache,     currentDiffTree: DiffNode?,     layoutStateFuture: TreeFuture<*>?) : CalculationContext

Wraps objects which should only be available for the duration of a LayoutState, to access them in other classes such as ComponentContext during layout state calculation. When the layout calculation finishes, the LayoutState reference is nullified. Using a wrapper instead of passing the instances directly helps with clearing out the reference from all objects that hold on to it, without having to keep track of all these objects to clear out the references.

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class LithoLayoutContextExtraData(yogaNode: YogaNode) : LayoutContextExtraData<LithoLayoutContextExtraData.LithoLayoutExtraData?>
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class LithoLayoutData(    val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val currentLayoutStateId: Int,     val previousLayoutStateId: Int,     val expandedTouchBounds: Rect?,     val layoutData: Any?,     val isSizeDependant: Boolean,     val debugHierarchy: DebugHierarchy.Node?) : Equivalence<LithoLayoutData>

This object will host the data associated with the component which is generated during the measure pass, for example: the InterStagePropsContainer, and the UpdateState. It will be created in LayoutResult#calculateLayout(LayoutContext, int, int). This object will be returned by LayoutResult#getLayoutData(), then written to the layout data in RenderTreeNode during reduce.

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sealed interface LithoLayoutOutput

A data structure that holds the result of Litho layout phase.

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open class LithoLayoutResult(val context: ComponentContext, val node: LithoNode, val layoutOutput: YogaLayoutOutput) : LayoutResult

This is the default implementation of a LayoutResult for Litho.

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Exception class used to add additional Litho metadata to a crash.

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class LithoMountData(content: Any?)

This class hosts any extra mount data related to MountItem.

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LithoNode is the Node implementation of Litho.

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class LithoPrimitive(val primitive: Primitive, val style: Style?)

A class that represents a Primitive with Style that should be applied to the PrimitiveComponent.

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An implementation of BaseMountingView that can mount a LayoutState without the need for a ComponentTree

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abstract class LithoRenderUnit : RenderUnit<Any> , TransitionRenderUnit
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abstract class LithoStartupLogger

Logger for tracking Litho events happening during startup.

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fun interface LithoTooltip
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class LithoTree(    val stateUpdater: StateUpdater,     val mountedViewReference: MountedViewReference,     val errorComponentReceiver: ErrorComponentReceiver,     val lithoTreeLifecycleProvider: LithoTreeLifecycleProvider,     val id: Int)

Represents a pointer to the Tree that a ComponentContext is attached to

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A ViewGroup that can host the mounted state of a Component.
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Helper class to access metadata from LithoView that is relevant during end to end tests. In order for the data to be collected, ComponentsConfiguration#isEndToEndTestRun must be enabled.

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Manages a Litho visibility events and informs subscribed LithoVisibilityEventsListener when a visibility state changes.

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Default LithoVisibilityEventsController implementation. Defines the standard state changes for a Litho ComponentTree. A custom LithoVisibilityEventsController implementation can change the lifecycle state but delegate to this to handle the effects of the state change. See an example of how this facilitates a custom lifecycle implementation in AOSPLithoVisibilityEventsController.

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Can observe lifecycle changes that a LithoVisibilityEventsController goes through.

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class LithoYogaBaselineFunction : YogaBaselineFunction
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class LithoYogaMeasureFunction : YogaMeasureFunction
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This class provides utilities for extracting information through ComponentsLogger#getExtraAnnotations(TreeProps) and transforming them so they can be logged.

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open class LongClickEvent
Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive Android long click events.
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class MatrixDrawable<T : Drawable?> : Drawable, Drawable.Callback, Touchable, TransitionUtils.BoundsCallback

A Drawable that wraps another drawable.

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An utility class to verify that an old measured size is still compatible to be used with a new measureSpec.

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class MeasuredResultCache @JvmOverloads constructor(delegateCache: MeasuredResultCache? = null)

Read & write layout result cache used during render phase for caching measured results that happen during component-measure. This cache can be accessed via components or litho-nodes.

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An interfaced used by ComponentContext to access the root view on which a hierarchy is mounted. This interface needs to be passed in the ComponentContext when it's built.

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class MountSpecLithoRenderUnit : LithoRenderUnit, ContentAllocator<Any>

This RenderUnit encapsulates a Litho output to be mounted using Render Core.

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data class NestedLithoResolveContext(    val treeId: NestedTreeId,     val androidContext: Context,     val config: LithoConfiguration,     val currentResolveResult: ResolveResult?,     val stateUpdateRequest: StateUpdateRequester,     val stateCommitListener: StateCommitListener? = null,     val errorComponent: (Component?) -> Unit = { /* TODO: provide default implementation */ },     val rootHostReference: NestedMountedViewReference = NestedMountedViewReference(),     val lifecycleProvider: NestedLithoTreeLifecycleProvider = NestedLithoTreeLifecycleProvider(),     val usePreviousLayoutState: Boolean,     val recycleHost: Boolean = true)
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The NestedLithoTree should be used to render Litho components in a container, say a Primitive like a ScrollView or when embedded Litho hierarchies in other RC framework hierarchies.

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data class NestedLithoTreeState(    val id: Int = LithoTree.generateComponentTreeId(),     var currentState: TreeState?,     var currentResolveResult: ResolveResult? = null,     var currentLayoutState: LayoutState? = null,     val pendingStateUpdates: MutableList<PendingStateUpdate> = ArrayList())
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class NestedLithoViewsExtension : MountExtension<Void?, Void?> , OnItemCallbacks<Void?>

MountExtension to ensure that content with nested LithoViews is properly clearing those LithoViews when the item is unmounted. Since this should only happen when unmounting an item and not when it's being updated, shouldUpdateItem is not overridden (defaulting to super implementation which returns false).

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class NestedTreeHolder @JvmOverloads constructor(    propContainer: TreePropContainer? = null,     val cachedNode: LithoNode? = null,     var parentContext: ComponentContext? = null) : LithoNode

This class is a placeholder for the unresolved layout and result of a Components which implement the com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnCreateLayoutWithSizeSpec.The TreePropContainer, padding and border width properties and held separately so that they can be copied into the actual nested tree layout before measuring it.

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This is an output only NestedTreeHolderResult; this is created by a NestedTreeHolder.

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class NestedTreeId(val id: Int)
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class NestedTreeYogaLayoutProps(val node: YogaNode) : YogaLayoutProps
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object NodeConfig

A helper class that defines a configurable sizes for Pooling.

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class NodeInfo : Equivalence<NodeInfo>

NodeInfo holds information that are set to the LithoNode and needs to be used while mounting.

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This LithoNode represents a component that renders to null. This is required to support reconciliation of state, and transitions on a component that conditionally renders to null.

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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to onInitializeAccessibilityEvent
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to onPopulateAccessibilityEvent
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to be notified so that they can implement their own accessibility support.
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent
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open class Output<T>

Type for parameters that are logical outputs.

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data class PendingStateUpdate(    val key: String,     val updater: StateUpdateApplier,     val isLayoutState: Boolean,     val isAsync: Boolean,     val isLazy: Boolean = false,     val attribution: String? = null)
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to performAccessibilityAction
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class PerformActionForVirtualViewEvent(host: View, nodeInfo: AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat, virtualViewId: Int, action: Int, arguments: Bundle?)
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Interface defining a result calculated from a TreeFuture that could be interrupted, and therefore be partial (and resumed on the UI thread).

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abstract class PrimitiveComponent : Component

Base class for Kotlin primitive components. This class encapsulates some of the Mount Spec APIs. All Kotlin primitive components must extend this class.

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class Ref<T>(value: T)

A simple mutable holder of a value.

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An Event that is triggered when a component is render complete.
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The result of a Component#render call. This will be the Component this component rendered to, potentially as well as other non-Component metadata that resulted from that call, such as transitions that should be applied.

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annotation class RenderSource
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class RenderState(from: RenderState? = null)

Keeps track of the last mounted @Prop/@State a component was rendered with for components that care about them (currently, this is just for ComponentSpecs that use Diff's of props in any of their lifecycle methods).

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class RenderUnitIdGenerator(val componentTreeId: Int)

Class that handles generation of unique IDs for RenderUnits for a given ComponentTree. The ID generation uses the component key to create an ID, and creates unique IDs for any components under the same ComponentTree.

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class ResolveContext(    val treeId: Int,     val cache: MeasuredResultCache,     treeState: TreeState?,     val layoutVersion: Int,     val rootComponentId: Int,     val isAccessibilityEnabled: Boolean,     treeFuture: TreeFuture<*>?,     val currentRoot: LithoNode?,     val perfEventLogger: PerfEvent?,     val componentsLogger: ComponentsLogger?,     val isInLayout: Boolean) : CalculationContext
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object Resolver
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data class ResolveResult(    val node: LithoNode?,     val context: ComponentContext,     val component: Component,     cache: MeasuredResultCache,     val treeState: TreeState,     val isPartialResult: Boolean,     val version: Int,     val eventHandlers: List<Pair<String, EventHandler<*>>>?,     val outputs: Resolver.Outputs?,     val contextForResuming: ResolveContext?) : PotentiallyPartialResult
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class ResolveTreeFuture constructor(    componentContext: ComponentContext,     component: Component,     treeState: TreeState,     currentRootNode: LithoNode?,     perfEvent: PerfEvent?,     resolveVersion: Int,     useCancellableFutures: Boolean,     syncWidthSpec: Int,     syncHeightSpec: Int,     componentTreeId: Int,     extraAttribution: String?,     source: Int) : TreeFuture<ResolveResult>


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interface ResourcesScope : BaseResourcesScope

The receiver for KComponent methods which need to access resources and widgets like Row, Column, and Text. This class exposes the ability to access functions defined in Resources like stringRes/drawableRes etc.

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Takes a component and returns a new component that it is wrapped in. Used to create a common root wrapper in ComponentTree.

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A Component that renders its children in a row.

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class ScopedComponentInfo(val component: Component, val context: ComponentContext, errorEventHandler: EventHandler<ErrorEvent>?) : Cloneable
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to sendAccessibilityEvent
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Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive callbacks to sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked

LithoVisibilityEventsController implementation that can be used to subscribe a nested ComponentTree to listen to state changes of the lifecycle provider that the parent ComponentTree is also subscribed to.

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class Size

Public API for MeasureOutput.

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object SizeSpec

A SizeSpec encapsulates the layout requirements passed from parent to child. Each SizeSpec represents a requirement for either the width or the height. A SizeSpec is comprised of a size and a mode. There are two possible modes:

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Base class for all component generated via the Spec API (@LayoutSpec and @MountSpec).
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class SpecGeneratedComponentLayout(layoutOutput: LithoLayoutOutput, paddingSet: Boolean, backgroundDrawable: Drawable?) : ComponentLayout
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class State<T>

Interface with which a component gets the value from a state or updates it.

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fun interface StateCommitListener
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abstract class StateContainer : Cloneable

Implemented by the class used to store state within both Components and Sections to store state.

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Holds information about the current State of the components in a Component Tree.

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sealed interface StateUpdateApplier
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interface StateUpdater

StateUpdater lets a Component rendered with a scoped ComponentContext interact with Litho's state. An implementation of StateUpdater is responsible for collecting state update operations and schedule a new Resolve/Layout step to occur. The default implementation of StateUpdater is ComponentTree, but it might be useful to implement this interface when integrating Litho in different rendering frameworks where it's not desirable for Litho to control the resolve/layout/commit process.

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StateUpdaterDelegator is responsible for holding reference to the right StateUpdater that will be used during creation of ComponentTree

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fun interface StateUpdateRequester
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class StateValue<T> : Output<T>

Used to represent the value of a Component's State. Must be used to pass State as parameter in methods annotated with @OnUpdateState.

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open class Style(previousStyle: Style?, item: StyleItem<*>?)

An immutable ordered collection of attributes ( StyleItem s) that can be applied to a component, like width or click handling.

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Backwards compatibility to allow Java code to define Styles used by Kotlin components

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interface StyleItem<T>

Part of a Style that can apply an attribute to an underlying Component, e.g. width or click handling.

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interface StyleItemField
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An interface for a View which supports setting and unsetting its transform pivot, even on pre-API 28 (P) devices.

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A Component that wraps another component for testing purposes. This component has a lifecycle that doesn't override any methods except for isEquivalentTo().

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class TestItem

Holds information about a TestOutput.

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This should be only used with the deprecated DiffNode based testing infrastructure. This class hosts a test implementation of create and resolve layout. The implementation only resolves the immediate subcomponents of the component. The implementation details of this class should be kept in sync with LayoutState if the existing tests written with the deprecated testing infrastructure are relevant.

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@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 3)
class TestOutput

Stores information about a Component which is only available when tests are run. TestOutputs are calculated in LayoutState and transformed into TestItems while mounting.

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interface TextContent

An UI Element that contains textual content. This element can have more than one textual content. For example, one Mountable wrapping a complex custom view can have multiple text views, and therefore, multiple TextContent.Item

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ThreadTracingRunnable tries to help debugging crashes happening across threads showing the stacktrace of the crash origin which scheduled this runnable.

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Thread assertion utilities.

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Specify a position to anchor a DeprecatedLithoTooltip on a component.

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interface Touchable

Any interface for mounted items that need to capture motion events from its ComponentHost.

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open class TouchEvent
Components should implement an event of this type in order to receive Android touch events.
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Compound touch delegate that forward touch events to recyclable inner touch delegates.

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abstract class TreeFuture<T : PotentiallyPartialResult>(treeId: Int, isInterruptionEnabled: Boolean)

Base class that wraps a FutureTask to allow calculating the same result across threads.

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interface TreeProp<T>
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A data structure to store tree props.

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Defines a single tree prop override. Unlike ClassValuePair there can be multiple TreePropValuePair with the same corresponding class.

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class TreeState
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fun interface UnbindDynamicFunc

Interface for the onUnbindDynamic function: use onUnbindDynamic to define the cleanup function for your dynamic values.

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A component that can wrap a view using a ViewBinder class to bind the view and a ViewCreator to create the mount contents. This component will have a different recycle pool per ViewCreator instance.

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class VirtualViewKeyboardFocusChangedEvent(    host: View,     nodeInfo: AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat?,     virtualViewId: Int,     hasFocus: Boolean,     superDelegate: AccessibilityDelegateCompat)

Components should implement an event of this type in order to be notified when keyboard focus changes on any virtual views implemented.

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interface WorkingRange
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A container that stores working range related information. It provides two major methods: a register method to store a working range with a component, and a dispatch method that dispatches event to components to trigger their delegated methods.

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A handler that stores the range status of components with given working range.

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Utility class for wrapping an existing Component. This is useful for adding further CommonProps to an already created component.

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typealias YogaEdgeFloatFunction = (YogaEdge, Float) -> Unit
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typealias YogaEdgeIntFunction = (YogaEdge, Int) -> Unit
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data class YogaLayoutOutput(    val yogaNode: YogaNode,     val widthFromStyle: Float = YogaConstants.UNDEFINED,     val heightFromStyle: Float = YogaConstants.UNDEFINED,     _widthSpec: Int = UNSPECIFIED,     _heightSpec: Int = UNSPECIFIED,     _lastMeasuredSize: Long = Long.MIN_VALUE,     _isCachedLayout: Boolean = false,     _isDiffedLayout: Boolean = false,     _layoutData: Any? = null,     _wasMeasured: Boolean = false,     _cachedMeasuresValid: Boolean = false,     _measureHadExceptions: Boolean = false,     _contentRenderUnit: LithoRenderUnit? = null,     _hostRenderUnit: LithoRenderUnit? = null,     _backgroundRenderUnit: LithoRenderUnit? = null,     _foregroundRenderUnit: LithoRenderUnit? = null,     _borderRenderUnit: LithoRenderUnit? = null,     _diffNode: DiffNode? = null,     _delegate: LayoutResult? = null,     _nestedResult: LithoLayoutResult? = null,     _adjustedBounds: Rect = Rect()) : LithoLayoutOutput

A wrapper around YogaNode that implements LithoLayoutOutput, which will be used internally by LithoYogaLayoutFunction.

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open class YogaLayoutProps(val node: YogaNode) : LayoutProps


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Hosts API to debug state


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inline fun <A, B, R> allNotNull(var1: A?, var2: B?, block: (A, B) -> R): R?

Util method that returns the result of block if both var1 and var2 are not null. Otherwise returns null.

inline fun <A, B, C, R> allNotNull(var1: A?, var2: B?, var3: C?, block: (A, B, C) -> R): R?

Util method that returns the result of block if all three var1, var2 and var3 are not null. Otherwise returns null.

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fun <ContentType : ViewGroup> MountConfigurationScope<ContentType>.bindToRenderTreeView(    state: NestedLithoTreeState,     getRenderTreeView: ContentType.() -> LithoRenderTreeView)
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inline fun ResourcesScope.Column(    alignContent: YogaAlign? = null,     alignItems: YogaAlign? = null,     justifyContent: YogaJustify? = null,     wrap: YogaWrap? = null,     isReversed: Boolean = false,     gap: Dimen? = null,     style: Style? = null): Column

Constructs a new Column without any children.

inline fun ResourcesScope.Column(    alignContent: YogaAlign? = null,     alignItems: YogaAlign? = null,     justifyContent: YogaJustify? = null,     wrap: YogaWrap? = null,     isReversed: Boolean = false,     gap: Dimen? = null,     style: Style? = null,     init: FlexboxContainerScope.() -> Unit): Column

Constructs a new Column. Add children by using FlexboxContainerScope.child or FlexboxContainerScope.children:

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fun <E : Any, R> create(onEvent: (E) -> R): EventHandler<E>
fun <E : Any, R> create(id: Int, params: Array<Any?>?, onEvent: (E) -> R): EventHandler<E>
fun create(    unit: LithoRenderUnit,     bounds: Rect,     padding: Rect?,     layoutData: LithoLayoutData? = null,     parent: RenderTreeNode? = null,     poolScope: PoolScope = PoolScope.None): RenderTreeNode
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fun createdNestedTreeComponentContext(    treeId: Int,     androidContext: Context,     treeProps: TreePropContainer?,     lithoConfiguration: LithoConfiguration,     updatedState: TreeState,     updater: StateUpdateRequester,     rootHostReference: NestedMountedViewReference,     errorComponent: (Component?) -> Unit,     lifecycleProvider: NestedLithoTreeLifecycleProvider): ComponentContext
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inline fun ComponentContext.dimenRes(@DimenRes id: Int): Dimen

Resolve a dimen resource ID as a Dimen value.

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fun BaseResourcesScope.drawableColor(@ColorInt color: Int): Drawable
fun BaseResourcesScope.drawableColor(@ColorInt color: Long): Drawable

Return a for a ColorInt value as a Drawable instance.

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inline fun <E : Any> eventHandler(noinline onEvent: (E) -> Unit): EventHandler<E>
inline fun <E : Any> eventHandler(noinline onEvent: (E) -> Unit, tag: String?): EventHandler<E>
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inline fun <E : Any, R> eventHandlerWithReturn(noinline onEvent: (E) -> R): EventHandler<E>
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inline fun <T> T?.getOrCreate(initBlock: () -> T): T

Util method that returns the instance if it's not null otherwise calls initBlock to create a new instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> ResourcesScope.getTreeProp(): T?

Returns the instance registered for the type T in this hierarchy, and null if no value was registered. Tree props are registered for a sub-hierarchy via TreePropProvider or com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnCreateTreeProp in the Spec API.

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inline fun handle(handle: Handle, crossinline componentLambda: () -> Component): Component

Sets a handle on the given Component returned in the lambda, e.g.

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fun hash(vararg values: Any?): Int

Polyfill of Objects.hash that can be used on API<19.

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inline fun key(key: String, crossinline componentLambda: () -> Component): Component

Sets a manual key on the given Component returned in the lambda, e.g.

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Backwards compatibility for a Kotlin Component to accept a Style and apply it to a Java Spec Component. Using this builder method is the equivalent of setting all common props the Style defines.

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inline fun <T : Any> legacyTreePropOf(): TreeProp<T?>
fun <T : Any> legacyTreePropOf(clazz: Class<T>): TreeProp<T?>
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fun <T> mergeLists(a: List<T>?, b: List<T>?): List<T>?
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fun NestedLithoPrimitive(    renderUnitId: Long,     resolveContext: NestedLithoResolveContext,     component: Component,     treeProps: TreePropContainer?,     updatedState: TreeState): Pair<Primitive, ResolveResult>

Returns a Primitive, and the ResolveResult that renders an embedded Litho component. This API should only be used when embedding Litho in a non Litho RC framework, like Bloks. This API accepts the updated state; this API should only be used if the client framework applies state updates before resolving the component to a Primitive.

fun NestedLithoPrimitive(    renderUnitId: Long,     resolveContext: NestedLithoResolveContext,     component: Component,     treeProps: TreePropContainer?,     currentState: TreeState,     updates: List<PendingStateUpdate>?): Pair<Primitive, ResolveResult>

Returns a Primitive, and the ResolveResult that renders an embedded Litho component. This API should only be used when embedding Litho in a non Litho RC framework, like Bloks. This API accepts the current state and pending state updates.

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inline fun NullableTreePropProvider(vararg props: TreePropValuePair<*>, crossinline component: () -> Component?): KComponent?
@JvmName(name = "NullableLegacyTreePropProvider")
inline fun NullableTreePropProvider(vararg props: ClassValuePair<*>, crossinline component: () -> Component?): KComponent?

Same as TreePropProvider, but accepts a lambda that may return a nullable component, in which case it'll return null itself.

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inline fun onCleanup(crossinline cleanupFunc: () -> Unit): CleanupFunc

Defines a cleanup function to be invoked when the owning Component is detached or the deps in useEffect change.

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operator fun <K, V> Map<K, V>?.plus(map: Map<K, V>?): Map<K, V>?
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fun preloadLithoClasses(additionalClasses: () -> Set<Class<*>>? = null)

Utility for preloading classes that should be loaded early but may not be accessible outside of Litho.

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Returns the instance registered for the type T in this hierarchy, throws if no value was registered. Tree props are registered for a sub-hierarchy via TreePropProvider or com.facebook.litho.annotations.OnCreateTreeProp in the Spec API.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.Row(    alignContent: YogaAlign? = null,     alignItems: YogaAlign? = null,     justifyContent: YogaJustify? = null,     wrap: YogaWrap? = null,     isReversed: Boolean = false,     gap: Dimen? = null,     style: Style? = null): Row

Constructs a new Column without any children.

inline fun ResourcesScope.Row(    alignContent: YogaAlign? = null,     alignItems: YogaAlign? = null,     justifyContent: YogaJustify? = null,     wrap: YogaWrap? = null,     isReversed: Boolean = false,     gap: Dimen? = null,     style: Style? = null,     init: FlexboxContainerScope.() -> Unit): Row

Constructs a new Row. Add children by using FlexboxContainerScope.child or FlexboxContainerScope.children:

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fun Activity.setContent(component: Component)
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fun YogaDirection.toLayoutDirection(): LayoutDirection
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fun LayoutDirection.toYogaDirection(): YogaDirection
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fun <T> treePropOf(defaultValueProducer: () -> T): TreeProp<T>
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inline fun TreePropProvider(vararg props: TreePropValuePair<*>, crossinline component: () -> Component): KComponent

A component which provides one or more TreeProp values to the given child hierarchy. A tree prop is a mapping from a TreeProp key object to an value of a corresponding type which is accessible throughout the entire subtree where it's defined.

@JvmName(name = "LegacyTreePropProvider")
inline fun TreePropProvider(vararg props: ClassValuePair<*>, crossinline component: () -> Component): KComponent

A component which provides one or more tree props to the given child hierarchy. A tree prop is a mapping from a type to an instance of that type which is accessible throughout the entire subtree where it's defined.

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fun <T> ComponentScope.useCached(vararg inputs: Any?, calculator: () -> T): T

Create a CachedValue variable within a Component. The calculator will provide the calculated value if it hasn't already been calculated or if the inputs have changed since the previous calculation.

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fun <R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: () -> R): () -> R

useCallback allows a parent to pass a child component a callback which: 1) maintains referential equality across multiple layout passes 2) is updated to have the latest parent props and state, even if the child doesn't re-render.

fun <A, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A) -> R): (A) -> R

1-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

fun <A, B, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A, B) -> R): (A, B) -> R

2-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

fun <A, B, C, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A, B, C) -> R): (A, B, C) -> R

3-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

fun <A, B, C, D, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A, B, C, D) -> R): (A, B, C, D) -> R

4-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

fun <A, B, C, D, E, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A, B, C, D, E) -> R): (A, B, C, D, E) -> R

5-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A, B, C, D, E, F) -> R): (A, B, C, D, E, F) -> R

6-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R> ComponentScope.useCallback(callback: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> R): (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> R

7-parameter overload of useCallback: refer to docs there.

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fun ComponentScope.useEffect(onAttach: () -> CleanupFunc?)
fun ComponentScope.useEffect(vararg deps: Any?, onAttach: () -> CleanupFunc?)

Registers a callback to perform side-effects when this Component is attached/detached from the tree.

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fun ComponentScope.useErrorBoundary(onError: (exception: Exception) -> Unit)

Registers a callback to perform error handling for exceptions that might happen in child components down in the tree.

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This hook creates a set of references, one for each focusable component that can be used for changing the default focus order. Use with Style.focusOrder

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fun ComponentScope.useHandle(vararg inputs: Any?): Handle

Returns a new, cached Handle instance if it hasn't already been provided or if the inputs have changed since the previous invocation of this method.

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fun PrimitiveComponentScope.useNestedTree(    androidContext: Context = context.androidContext,     config: ComponentsConfiguration = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig,     root: Component,     treeProps: TreePropContainer? = context.treePropContainer): Pair<NestedLithoTreeState, ResolveResult>
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fun <T> ComponentScope.useRef(initializer: () -> T): Ref<T>

Declares a mutable, main-thread confined reference that will be persisted across renders with an initial value provided by the initializer. It's similar to useState, except that the returned reference is mutable and updating it will not cause a re-render.

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fun <T> ComponentScope.useState(initializer: () -> T): State<T>

Declares a state variable within a Component. The initializer will provide the initial value if it hasn't already been initialized in a previous render of the Component.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.Wrapper(style: Style, crossinline content: ResourcesScope.() -> Component): Wrapper

Builder function for creating Wrapper components. It's useful for adding additional Style props to a given component.