
A container that stores working range related information. It provides two major methods: a register method to store a working range with a component, and a dispatch method that dispatches event to components to trigger their delegated methods.


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object Companion
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@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 3)
class RangeTuple(val name: String, val workingRange: WorkingRange, scopedComponentInfo: ScopedComponentInfo, val interStagePropsContainer: InterStagePropsContainer?)

A tuple that stores working range information for a list of components that share same name and working range object.

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class Registration(val name: String, val workingRange: WorkingRange, val scopedComponentInfo: ScopedComponentInfo)

A tuple that stores raw data of a working range registration.


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fun checkWorkingRangeAndDispatch(position: Int, firstVisibleIndex: Int, lastVisibleIndex: Int, firstFullyVisibleIndex: Int, lastFullyVisibleIndex: Int, statusHandler: WorkingRangeStatusHandler)

Iterate the map to check if a component is entered or exited the range, and dispatch event to the component to trigger its delegate method.

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Dispatch onExitRange if the status of the component is in the range. This method should only be called when releasing a ComponentTree, thus no status update needed.

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fun registerWorkingRange(name: String, workingRange: WorkingRange, scopedComponentInfo: ScopedComponentInfo, interStageProps: InterStagePropsContainer?)