
class Spinner @JvmOverloads constructor(options: List<String>, selectedOption: String, onItemSelected: (String) -> Unit, style: Style = Style, @ColorInt selectedTextColor: Int = -0x22000000, selectedTextSize: Float = -1f, caret: Drawable? = null, @LayoutRes itemLayout: Int = android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line) : KComponent

A simple spinner (dropdown) component. Derived from the standard Android android.widget.Spinner

Additionally added logic to flip the caret vertically once menu is shown.

If no optional values are provided the component will look like it's material design counterpart.



The options available from the dropdown


The initially selected option for the spinner


The listener for dropdown selections


The style for the spinner component


The text color of the selected value


The text size of the selected value


The spinner caret icon i.e. arrow at the far right. Notice that this drawable will be flipped vertically when the dropdown menu is shown


The item layout for the drop down list android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line is used by default


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constructor(options: List<String>, selectedOption: String, onItemSelected: (String) -> Unit, style: Style = Style, @ColorInt selectedTextColor: Int = -0x22000000, selectedTextSize: Float = -1f, caret: Drawable? = null, @LayoutRes itemLayout: Int = android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line)


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object Companion


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operator override fun equals(@Nullable other: Any?): Boolean
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open fun <T : Any> getDebugAttribute(p0: AttributeKey<T>): T & Any
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override fun getSimpleName(): String
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fun getTypeId(): Int
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override fun hashCode(): Int
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override fun isEquivalentTo(other: Component?): Boolean
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override fun makeShallowCopy(): Component
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fun measure(p0: ComponentContext, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Size)
fun measure(p0: ComponentContext, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Size, p4: Boolean)
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open override fun ComponentScope.render(): Component
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open override fun <T : Any> setDebugAttributeKey(attributeKey: AttributeKey<T>, value: T & Any)
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override fun toString(): String