
This binder class is used to asynchronously layout Components given a list of Component and attaching them to a Recycler.


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class Builder
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Defines when a batch should be committed: - IMMEDIATE: Commit batches to the RecyclerView as soon as possible.
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annotation class PaginationStrategy
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annotation class RecyclingStrategy
Strategies for recycling layouts of items in binder


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fun appendItem(component: Component)
fun appendItem(renderInfo: RenderInfo)
Inserts a new item at tail.
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Removes all items in this binder async.
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open fun detach()
Detach items under the hood.
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open fun getChildHeightSpec(index: Int): Int
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open fun getChildWidthSpec(index: Int): Int
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Returns the ComponentTree for the item at index position.
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open fun getItemCount(): Int
Gets the number of items currently in the adapter attached to this binder (i.e.
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fun insertItemAt(position: Int, component: Component)
fun insertItemAt(position: Int, renderInfo: RenderInfo)
Inserts a new item at position.
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fun insertItemAtAsync(position: Int, renderInfo: RenderInfo)
Inserts an item at position.
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fun insertRangeAt(position: Int, renderInfos: List<RenderInfo>)
Inserts the new items starting from position.
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fun insertRangeAtAsync(position: Int, renderInfos: List<RenderInfo>)
Inserts the new items starting from position.
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Return true if wrap content is enabled for the cross axis, false otherwise.
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Return true if wrap content is enabled for the main axis, false otherwise.
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open fun isSticky(position: Int): Boolean
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open fun isValidPosition(position: Int): Boolean
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open fun measure(outSize: Size, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable reMeasureEventHandler: EventHandler<ReMeasureEvent>)
A component mounting a RecyclerView can use this method to determine its size.
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open fun mount(view: RecyclerView)
Call from the owning Component's onMount.
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fun moveItem(fromPosition: Int, toPosition: Int)
Moves an item from fromPosition to toPosition.
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fun moveItemAsync(fromPosition: Int, toPosition: Int)
Moves an item from fromPosition to toPosition.
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open fun notifyChangeSetComplete(isDataChanged: Boolean, @Nullable changeSetCompleteCallback: ChangeSetCompleteCallback)
Called after all the change set operations (inserts, removes, etc.) in a batch have completed.
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open fun notifyChangeSetCompleteAsync(isDataChanged: Boolean, changeSetCompleteCallback: ChangeSetCompleteCallback)
Called after all the change set operations (inserts, removes, etc.) in a batch have completed.
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open fun notifyItemRenderCompleteAt(position: Int, timestampMillis: Long)
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fun removeItemAt(position: Int)
Removes an item from index position.
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fun removeItemAtAsync(position: Int)
Removes an item from position.
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fun removeRangeAt(position: Int, count: Int)
Removes count items starting from position.
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fun removeRangeAtAsync(position: Int, count: Int)
Removes count items starting from position.
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fun replaceAll(renderInfos: List<RenderInfo>)
Replaces all items in the RecyclerBinder with the provided RenderInfos.
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open fun scrollToPosition(position: Int)
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open fun scrollToPositionWithOffset(position: Int, offset: Int)
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open fun setCommitPolicy(commitPolicy: Int)
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open fun setSize(width: Int, height: Int)
This should be called when the owner Component's onBoundsDefined is called.
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open fun unmount(view: RecyclerView)
Call from the owning Component's onUnmount.
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fun updateItemAt(position: Int, component: Component)
fun updateItemAt(position: Int, renderInfo: RenderInfo)
Updates the item at position.
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fun updateItemAtAsync(position: Int, renderInfo: RenderInfo)
Update the item at index position.
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fun updateRangeAt(position: Int, renderInfos: List<RenderInfo>)
Updates the range of items starting at position.
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fun updateRangeAtAsync(position: Int, renderInfos: List<RenderInfo>)
Update the items starting from the given index position.
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open fun updateSubAdapterVisibleRange(firstVisiblePosition: Int, lastVisiblePosition: Int)
Updates the visible range when in sub adapter mode.
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open fun updateSubAdapterWorkingRange(firstVisibleIndex: Int, lastVisibleIndex: Int, firstFullyVisibleIndex: Int, lastFullyVisibleIndex: Int)
Updates the working range when in sub adapter mode.