
FromBoundsDefined is used to pass objects from the OnBoundsDefined lifecycle methods of MountSpec to lifecycle methods called successively such as OnMount or OnBind method, use FromBoundsDefined with the same type and name to retrieve your previously set

To use it, simply declare a parameter of type com.facebook.litho.Output<> within the method annotated with OnBoundsDefined. com.facebook.litho.Output<> accepts a generic type which should be the type of the object you want to pass around. Then, in a successive lifecycle method, use FromBoundsDefined with the same type and name to retrieve your previously set object.

This can be used in:


public class MyComponentSpec {

  MyDrawable onCreateMountContent(Context context) {
    return new MyDrawable(c);

  void onBoundsDefined(
      ComponentContext c,
      ComponentLayout layout,
      Output<MyFromBoundsDefinedObject> fromBoundsDefinedObject) {
    MyFromBoundsDefinedObject myFromBoundsDefinedObject = new MyFromBoundsDefinedObject();

  void onMount(
      ComponentContext c,
      MyDrawable myDrawable,
      @FromBoundsDefined MyFromBoundsDefinedObject fromBoundsDefinedObject) {



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abstract fun annotationType(): Class<out Annotation>
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abstract fun equals(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun toString(): String