
inline fun ResourcesScope.Text(    text: CharSequence?,     style: Style? = null,     @ColorInt textColor: Int = Color.BLACK,     textSize: Dimen = 14.sp,     textStyle: Int = NORMAL,     typeface: Typeface? = DEFAULT,     @ColorInt shadowColor: Int = Color.GRAY,     shadowRadius: Dimen = 0.dp,     shadowDx: Dimen = 0.dp,     shadowDy: Dimen = 0.dp,     alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TEXT_START,     breakStrategy: Int = 0,     verticalGravity: VerticalGravity = VerticalGravity.TOP,     isSingleLine: Boolean = false,     ellipsize: TextUtils.TruncateAt? = null,     lineSpacingMultiplier: Float = 1.0f,     lineHeight: Dimen? = null,     extraSpacing: Dimen? = null,     letterSpacing: Float = 0.0f,     minLines: Int = 0,     maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE,     includeFontPadding: Boolean = true,     accessibleClickableSpans: Boolean = false,     clipToBounds: Boolean = true,     handle: Handle? = null,     customEllipsisText: CharSequence? = null,     @ColorInt backgroundColor: Int? = null,     @ColorInt highlightColor: Int? = null,     textDirection: TextDirectionHeuristicCompat? = null,     @AttrRes defStyleAttr: Int = 0,     @StyleRes defStyleRes: Int = 0,     dynamicTextColor: DynamicValue<Int>? = null,     testKey: String? = null,     @ColorInt outlineColor: Int? = null,     outlineWidth: Dimen = 0.dp): Text

Temporary builder function for creating TextSpec components. In the future it will either be auto-generated or modified to have the final set of parameters.