
class ExperimentalVerticalScroll(val scrollbarEnabled: Boolean, val nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean, val verticalFadingEdgeEnabled: Boolean, val fillViewport: Boolean, val scrollbarFadingEnabled: Boolean, val overScrollMode: Int, val fadingEdgeLength: Dimen, @ColorInt val fadingEdgeColor: Int?, val initialScrollPosition: Dimen, val eventsController: VerticalScrollEventsController?, val onScrollChange: (NestedScrollView, scrollY: Int, oldScrollY: Int) -> Unit?, val onInterceptTouch: (NestedScrollView, event: MotionEvent) -> Boolean?, val onScrollStateChange: (View, Int) -> Unit?, val incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = true, val child: Component, val style: Style?) : PrimitiveComponent


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constructor(scrollbarEnabled: Boolean, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean, verticalFadingEdgeEnabled: Boolean, fillViewport: Boolean, scrollbarFadingEnabled: Boolean, overScrollMode: Int, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen, @ColorInt fadingEdgeColor: Int?, initialScrollPosition: Dimen, eventsController: VerticalScrollEventsController?, onScrollChange: (NestedScrollView, scrollY: Int, oldScrollY: Int) -> Unit?, onInterceptTouch: (NestedScrollView, event: MotionEvent) -> Boolean?, onScrollStateChange: (View, Int) -> Unit?, incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = true, child: Component, style: Style?)


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val fadingEdgeLength: Dimen
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val onScrollChange: (NestedScrollView, scrollY: Int, oldScrollY: Int) -> Unit?
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val style: Style?


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operator override fun equals(@Nullable other: Any?): Boolean
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open fun <T : Any> getDebugAttribute(p0: AttributeKey<T>): T & Any
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override fun getSimpleName(): String
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fun getTypeId(): Int
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override fun hashCode(): Int
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override fun isEquivalentTo(other: Component?): Boolean
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override fun makeShallowCopy(): Component
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fun measure(p0: ComponentContext, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Size)
fun measure(p0: ComponentContext, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Size, p4: Boolean)
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open override fun <T : Any> setDebugAttributeKey(attributeKey: AttributeKey<T>, value: T & Any)
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override fun toString(): String