The cross axis dimension will match the largest item seen so far in the Collection. The dimension is adjusted dynamically (ie: during scrolling). Measuring all the children comes with a high performance cost, especially for infinite scrolls. This should only be used if absolutely necessary.
This is an experimental feature and your Section surface will take a perf hit if you use it.
Whether the items of this RecyclerBinder can change height after the initial measure. Only applicable to horizontally scrolling RecyclerBinders. If true, the children of this h-scroll are all measured with unspecified height. When the ComponentTree of a child is remeasured, this will cause the RecyclerBinder to remeasure in case the height of the child changed and the RecyclerView needs to have a different height to account for it. This only supports changing the height of the item that triggered the remeasuring, not the height of all items in the h-scroll.