
The main role of LayoutState is to hold the output of layout calculation. This includes mountable outputs and visibility outputs. A centerpiece of the class is LithoReducer#setSizeAfterMeasureAndCollectResults(ComponentContext, LithoLayoutContext, LayoutState) which prepares the before-mentioned outputs based on the provided LithoNode for later use in MountState.


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object Companion


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open override val animatableRootItem: AnimatableItem?
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the id of the ComponentTree that generated this LayoutState

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val currentLayoutOutputAffinityGroup: OutputUnitsAffinityGroup<AnimatableItem>?
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val currentTransitionId: TransitionId?
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Whether or not there are components marked as 'ExcludeFromIncrementalMount'.

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val height: Int
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val id: Int

Id of this LayoutState.

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open override val isPartialResult: Boolean = false

Return true if this result calculated from a TreeFuture is partial.

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val mountableOutputs: List<RenderTreeNode>
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Id of the LayoutState that was compared to when calculating this LayoutState.

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var rootHeightAnimation: Transition.RootBoundsTransition?
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var rootLayoutResult: LayoutResult?
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open override val rootName: String
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open override val rootTransitionId: TransitionId?
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var rootWidthAnimation: Transition.RootBoundsTransition?
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val sizeConstraints: SizeConstraints
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open override val testOutputCount: Int
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open override val tracer: Systracer
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open override val transitionIdMapping: Map<TransitionId, OutputUnitsAffinityGroup<AnimatableItem>>

Gets a mapping from transition ids to a group of LayoutOutput.

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open override val transitions: List<Transition>?
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open override val treeId: Int
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Returns the state handler instance currently held by LayoutState.

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open override val viewAttributes: Map<Long, ViewAttributes>
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open override val visibilityBoundsTransformer: VisibilityBoundsTransformer?
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open override val visibilityOutputs: List<VisibilityOutput>
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val width: Int


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fun checkWorkingRangeAndDispatch(position: Int, firstVisibleIndex: Int, lastVisibleIndex: Int, firstFullyVisibleIndex: Int, lastFullyVisibleIndex: Int, stateHandler: WorkingRangeStatusHandler)
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Debug-only: return a string representation of this LayoutState and its LayoutOutputs.

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open override fun getAnimatableItem(id: Long): AnimatableItem?
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open override fun getAnimatableItemForTransitionId(transitionId: TransitionId): OutputUnitsAffinityGroup<AnimatableItem>?

Gets a group of LayoutOutput given transition key

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open override fun getIncrementalMountOutputCount(): Int
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open override fun getIncrementalMountOutputForId(id: Long): IncrementalMountOutput?
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open override fun getIncrementalMountOutputs(): Collection<IncrementalMountOutput>
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open override fun getMountableOutputAt(position: Int): RenderTreeNode
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open override fun getMountableOutputCount(): Int
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open override fun getMountTimeTransitions(previousInput: TransitionsExtensionInput?): List<Transition>?
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open override fun getOutputsOrderedByBottomBounds(): List<IncrementalMountOutput>
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open override fun getOutputsOrderedByTopBounds(): List<IncrementalMountOutput>
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open override fun getPositionForId(id: Long): Int
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fun getRenderTreeNode(output: IncrementalMountOutput): RenderTreeNode
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open override fun getTestOutputAt(position: Int): TestOutput?
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fun getVisibilityOutputAt(index: Int): VisibilityOutput
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fun isCompatibleComponentAndSpec(componentId: Int, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): Boolean
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fun isCompatibleSize(width: Int, height: Int): Boolean
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fun isCompatibleSpec(widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): Boolean
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fun isForComponentId(componentId: Int): Boolean
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open override fun needsToRerunTransitions(): Boolean
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open override fun setInitialRootBoundsForAnimation(rootWidth: Transition.RootBoundsTransition?, rootHeight: Transition.RootBoundsTransition?)
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open override fun setNeedsToRerunTransitions(needsToRerunTransitions: Boolean)
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fun toRenderTree(): RenderTree