
Robolectric shadow view does not support layout direction so we must implement our custom shadow. We must have ViewGroup and View shadows as Robolectric forces us to have the whole hierarchy.


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open fun clearAnimations()
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open fun clickOn(view: View): Boolean
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open fun dump(view: View)
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open fun getAnimations(): ImmutableList<Animation>
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open fun getLayoutDirection(): Int
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open fun innerText(view: View): String
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open fun reset()
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open fun setDidRequestLayout(didRequestLayout: Boolean)
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open fun setGlobalVisibleRect(rect: Rect)
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open fun setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection: Int)
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open fun setMyParent(viewParent: ViewParent)
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open fun setViewFocus(hasFocus: Boolean)
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open fun visualize(view: View): String
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