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Allows traversing through all the Component that define a hierarchy in a given LithoView.

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class SelectionResult(val nodes: List<TestNode>, selectionError: String? = null)
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interface TestContext
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class TestNode(component: Component)

A test node is used to hold all the information needed to represent a given component in the testing tree. This information is be used by testing actions (filter, interaction, assertion) and also to represent them in a visual way (e.g String representation).

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Lazy representation of a collection of test nodes with necessary logic to materialize on-demand.

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class TestNodeMatcher(val description: String, predicate: (TestNode) -> Boolean)

This abstraction allows you to represent any given predicate on a TestNode. This is the base to the mechanism that allows filtering test nodes to perform assertions or the matchers used in the assertions.

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class TestNodeSelection(testContext: TestContext, selector: TestNodeSelector)

Lazy representation of a single test node with necessary logic to materialize on-demand.

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This is the entry point through which nodes are discovered for testing.

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class TestNodeSelector(val description: String, parentSelector: TestNodeSelector? = null, throwOnSelectionError: Boolean = false, selector: TestNodeSelector.(List<TestNode>) -> SelectionResult)

Transforms a given set of nodes into a new list of TestNode.

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that will match TestNodes which have an ancestor that match with the given matcher.

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Generic purpose test node filters based on the attributes system. This filter will match all TestNode whose Component has set value for the attribute with key key

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that will match TestNodes which have one child that matches with the given matcher.

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that verifies if the given node has a content description which is an exact match with description.

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that will match TestNodes which have one descendant that matches the given matcher.

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that verifies if a TestNode has a parent TestNode that matches the given matcher.

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that verifies if the given node text matches the exact text

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that verifies if the given node contains the given text

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inline fun <T> hasType(): TestNodeMatcher

This filter will match all test nodes that represent a Component with the given class type componentClass.

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Returns a TestNodeMatcher that verifies if a TestNode is the root of a component tree.

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Dispatches a click event for the node represented in the given selection.

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fun TestNodeCollectionSelection.printTo(appendable: Appendable, maxDepth: Int = 0)

Prints all the matching nodes in the collection into the given appendable.

fun TestNodeSelection.printTo(appendable: Appendable, maxDepth: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE)

Prints all the available node information into the given appendable.

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Prints all the matching nodes in the collection into a string.

fun TestNodeSelection.printToString(maxDepth: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): String

Prints all the available node information into a string.