Package-level declarations


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open class BackgroundLayoutLooperRule : TestRule
TestRule which allows a test to manually step through the default ComponentTree layout thread Looper while still executing those tasks on a background thread.
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open class InteractionUtil
Utilities for interacting with an app.
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class LegacyLithoTestRule @JvmOverloads constructor(val componentsConfiguration: ComponentsConfiguration? = null, val themeResId: Int? = null) : TestRule

This test utility allows clients to test assertion on the view hierarchy rendered by a Litho components. The utility has methods to override the default {@link LithoView}, {@link ComponentTree}, width, and height specs.

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open class LithoStatsRule : TestRule
This rule resets the litho stats counters resetAllCounters after every test, and provides utilities methods to get the litho stats.
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class LithoTestRule @JvmOverloads constructor(val componentsConfiguration: ComponentsConfiguration? = null, val themeResId: Int? = null, lithoVisibilityEventsController: () -> LithoVisibilityEventsController? = null) : TestRule

This test utility allows clients to create a TestLithoView instance that allows to test assertion on the view hierarchy rendered by a Litho components.

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class Message(val messageType: MessageType, val semaphore: TimeOutSemaphore)
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A wrapper class that exposes methods specific to testing collection components.

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data class TestCollectionItem(testCollection: TestCollection, componentTreeHolder: ComponentTreeHolder, val index: Int)

A wrapper class that exposes methods specific to testing collection children.

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Base class for test components which expose lifecycle information.
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open class TestDrawable : Drawable
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Holder class for the result of LithoTestRule.render call, exposing methods to for finding the views/components and assertions

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class ThreadLooperController(val layoutLooper: ShadowLooper = Shadows.shadowOf( Whitebox.invokeMethod<Any>(, "getDefaultLayoutThreadLooper") as Looper)) : BaseThreadLooperController

Helper class extracting looper functionality from BackgroundLayoutLooperRule that can be reused in other TestRules

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open class TimeOutSemaphore
Semaphore wrapper that automatically times out in 5 seconds so that we don't forget to do it and hang tests or not check for whether the lock was successfully acquired.
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class TrackedItemPool(lifecycle: Any, size: Int) : MountContentPools.DefaultContentPool
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open class TransitionTestRule : TestRule
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Exception thrown when a view isn't found in a test.
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open class Whitebox
Internal copy of Whitebox implementation of Powermock.


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fun atMost(px: Int): Int

Shorthand for creating a View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST measure spec.

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fun exactly(px: Int): Int

Shorthand for creating a View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY measure spec.

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Shorthand for creating a View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED measure spec.