Package-level declarations
This test utility allows clients to test assertion on the view hierarchy rendered by a Litho components. The utility has methods to override the default {@link LithoView}, {@link ComponentTree}, width, and height specs.
This test utility allows clients to create a TestLithoView instance that allows to test assertion on the view hierarchy rendered by a Litho components.
The resize mode determines when to call measure and layout methods for TestLithoView. This can be triggered by a root change or state update.
A wrapper class that exposes methods specific to testing collection components.
A wrapper class that exposes methods specific to testing collection children.
Holder class for the result of LithoTestRule.render call, exposing methods to for finding the views/components and assertions
Helper class extracting looper functionality from BackgroundLayoutLooperRule that can be reused in other TestRules
Shorthand for creating a View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST measure spec.
Shorthand for creating a View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY measure spec.
Shorthand for creating a View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED measure spec.