
enum ResType

This enum's constants are used to mark that Prop can receive resources of a corresponding Android resource type as values. In addition or instead of usual builder methods this will trigger generation of methods which expect Android resource values or ids as parameter values.

For example: If a CharSequence prop named title is marked as STRING, this will generate not only method title(CharSequence title) in the component builder, but also various methods that enable initializing the prop from a string resource or attribute:

  titleRes(@StringRes int resId)
  titleRes(@StringRes int resId, Object... formatArgs)
  titleAttr(@AttrRes int attrResId)
  titleAttr(@AttrRes int attrResId, @StringRes int defResId)
And if an int prop named size is marked as DIMEN_SIZE, this will not generate a size(int size) method, but will add a bunch of other methods that accept resources:

  sizePx(@Px int sizePx)
  sizeRes(@DimenRes int resId)
  sizeDip(@Dimension(unit = Dimension.DP) float dip)
  sizeAttr(@AttrRes int attrResId)
  sizeAttr(@AttrRes int attrResId, @DimenRes int defResId)

See also



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Prop is not related to Android resources.

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Prop's value can be set from a StringRes resource.

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Prop's value can be set from an ArrayRes resource which contains StringRess.

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Prop's value can be set from an IntegerRes resource.

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Prop's value can be set from an ArrayRes resource which contains IntegerRess.

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Prop's value can be set from a BoolRes resource.

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Prop's value can be set from a ColorRes resource or as a ColorInt value.

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Prop's value can be set from a DimenRes resource or as a DP or PX value.

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Prop's value can be set from a DimenRes resource or as a DP, SP or PX value.

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Prop's value can be set from a DimenRes resource or as a DP, SP or PX value.

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Prop's value can be set from a DimenRes resource.

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Prop's value can be set from a DrawableRes resource.


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open fun valueOf(name: String): ResType

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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open fun values(): Array<ResType>

Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.