Package-level declarations


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Annotates a parameter to a component's spec method indicating that it will be supplied as a cached value.
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annotation class Comparable
Annotates a parameter (Prop, TreeProp or State) indicating what kind of equivalence should be used in the "isEquivalentTo" call.
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annotation class Event
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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class ExcuseMySpec(val reason: Reason)

Spec API usage in Kotlin is deprecated and new Specs will be generally treated as errors. But there are certain cases when Specs in Kotlin should be allowed. This annotation is used to mark such usecases and suppress the linter, an explicit reason is required.

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FromBoundsDefined is used to pass objects from the OnBoundsDefined lifecycle methods of MountSpec to lifecycle methods called successively such as OnMount or OnBind method, use FromBoundsDefined with the same type and name to retrieve your previously set To use it, simply declare a parameter of type com.facebook.litho.Output<> within the method annotated with OnBoundsDefined.
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annotation class FromEvent
Annotates a parameter to a component's event handler callback method indicating that it will be supplied by the event object.
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Annotates that the argument's value should be set to the named inter-stage output from the lifecycle method.
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FromPrepare is used to pass objects from the OnPrepare lifecycle methods of MountSpec to lifecycle methods called successively such as OnMount or method, use FromPrepare with the same type and name to retrieve your previously set To use it, simply declare a parameter of type com.facebook.litho.Output<> within the method annotated with OnPrepare.
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annotation class FromTrigger
Parameters declared in a class annotated with Event that are used in OnTriggerFor example:
public class ComponentSpec {

  static Object yourEventClick(ComponentContext c,@FromTrigger YourObject obj) {
    return new Object();
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annotation class Generated
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annotation class InjectProp
Annotates a parameter of a component's spec method indicating that the parameter will be automatically supplied via dependency injection.
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annotation class LayoutSpec
A class that is annotated with this annotation will be used to create a composite component that is made up of other components.
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A class that is annotated with this annotation will be used to create a component that renders something, in the form of either a Drawable or a View.
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annotation class OnAttached
A method annotated with this annotation is called when the component is attached to the ComponentTree.
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annotation class OnBind
A method annotation used in classes that are annotated with MountSpec.
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Annotation for a method on a component's spec that indicates that the method is used to calculate a value that is cached by the component, and may be access in methods using CachedValue.
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This annotation is used in a LayoutSpec; the framework calls the method annotated with OnCreateInitialState before resolving its layout, i.e.
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This annotation is used in conjugation with LayoutSpec.
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OnCreateLayoutWithSizeSpec is the same as OnCreateLayout but the layout can be resolved with a specified width and height.
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The method annotated with this annotation will be called to instantiate the mount content for the MountSpec, when the pool of objects corresponding to this mount content type is empty and recycling is not possible.
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The annotated method will be called to create a custom MountContentPool for this mount spec.
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Annotation for a method that specifies how to animate this component to its new layout and props.
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An annotation for a Spec method that generates tree props.
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annotation class OnDetached
A method annotated with this annotation is called when the component is detached from the ComponentTree.
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Annotated function in the component will allow it be called when entering a working range.
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annotation class OnError
Annotate a method inside your component with @OnError to receive a callback when an exception inside supported delegate methods of a child component happens.
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annotation class OnEvent
Annotation for event handling.
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Annotated function in the component will allow it be called when exiting a working range.
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annotation class OnLoadStyle
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annotation class OnMeasure
A method annotation used in classes that are annotated with MountSpec.
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A method that is annotated with this annotation will be used to compute the baseline of your component.
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annotation class OnMount
A method annotated with OnMount is called on a MountSpec component before the component is attached to a hosting view.
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annotation class OnPrepare
A MountSpec can define a method annotated with OnPrepare to run code that is more heavy and cannot be done during OnMount or OnBind.
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The method annotated with this annotation will be called to register working ranges for the LayoutSpec.
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annotation class OnTrigger
Annotated function in the component will allow its parents to call it with an EventTrigger.
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annotation class OnUnbind
A method annotation used in classes that are annotated with MountSpec.
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annotation class OnUnmount
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Used to mark a method that can update the state of a Component.
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Used to mark a method that can update the state of a Component and trigger Transition returned from this method.
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annotation class Param
Params can be used together with Event callbacks i.e.
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annotation class Prop
Inputs to a Component are its props.
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annotation class PropDefault
PropDefault can be used for setting the default value of an optional Prop in a LayoutSpec or MountSpec.
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annotation class PropSetter
Indicates that a method implementation sets Prop.
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enum Reason : Enum<Reason>
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annotation class RequiredProp
Indicates that a method implementation sets required Prop.
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enum ResType
This enum's constants are used to mark that Prop can receive resources of a corresponding Android resource type as values.
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Annotated function in the component will allow it always be measured when receiving a remeasure event no matter the SizeSpecs are changed or not.
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Annotated function in the component will inform the framework that if this particular instance of the component should be excluded from Incremental Mount.
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annotation class ShouldUpdate
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annotation class State
States for a given Component are the union of all arguments annotated with State in the spec.
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annotation class TestSpec
An interface that is annotated with this annotation will be used to generate a matcher based on the underlying spec.
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annotation class TreeProp
A prop passed silently down from a Spec's parents.