
annotation class Prop

Inputs to a Component are its props. The props for a given Component are the union of all arguments annotated with Prop in your spec methods. The same prop can be defined and accessed in multiple lifecycle methods. The annotation processor will validate that the props are being used with the correct type and name.

For each unique prop defined on the spec, the annotation processor adds a setter method on the Component's Builder that has the same name as the prop. By default props are required but can be marked as optional. A prop can also be constrained further by setting it's resType.

The parent component sets the props when it creates the component in it's method. The props cannot be updated throughout the lifecycle of the component unless they are marked as dynamic. If the layout need to be updated, the parent has to create a new component and set new props. The props should be immutable since the layout can be calculated on multiple threads. Immutability of the props ensures that no thread safety issues can occur in the component hierarchy.

Creating Props:

public class HeaderSpec {

  static Component onCreateLayout(
    ComponentContext c,
   @Prop MyTitles title,
   @Prop(varArg = imageUrl) List<String> urls,
   @Prop(optional = true) boolean isSelected) {
    if (urls.isEmpty()) {
      return null;

    return Column.create(c)
      .paddingDip(YogaEdge.ALL, 8)
      .backgroundColor(isSelected ? Color.WHITE : Color.GREEN)
          .marginDip(YogaEdge.BOTTOM, 4)
          .marginDip(YogaEdge.BOTTOM, 4)

Notice how imageUrl, title and isSelected are used to set properties on different components within the layout.

Setting Props:

public class MyComponent {

  static Component onCreateLayout(ComponentContext c) {

    return Header.create(c)
      .title(new MyTitles("title", "subtitle"))

See also


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abstract fun annotationType(): Class<out Annotation>
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abstract fun docString(): String
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abstract fun dynamic(): Boolean
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abstract fun equals(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun isCommonProp(): Boolean
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abstract fun optional(): Boolean
Declares that this prop can be omitted by the caller of the component.
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This may only be set to true if isCommonProp is also set to true.
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abstract fun resType(): ResType
Marks this prop as one that corresponds to a specific Android resource type, and therefore generates various helper methods to initialize it.
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abstract fun toString(): String
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abstract fun varArg(): String
Declares this prop supports a variable arguments, and provide utility methods to add values to the prop.