class LazyCollection(layout: CollectionLayout, itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator?, itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null, clipToPadding: Boolean? = null, clipChildren: Boolean? = null, startPadding: Dimen? = null, endPadding: Dimen? = null, topPadding: Dimen? = null, bottomPadding: Dimen? = null, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null, scrollBarStyle: Int? = null, recyclerViewId: Int? = null, overScrollMode: Int? = null, refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null, touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null, itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null, sectionTreeTag: String? = null, startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null, style: Style? = null, onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null, onDataBound: () -> Unit? = null, handle: Handle? = null, onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null, onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null, onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null, onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null, lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null, onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null, childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true, alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false, isLeftFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, isRightFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, isTopFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, isBottomFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null, shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false, onBeforeLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnBeforeLayoutListener? = null, onAfterLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnAfterLayoutListener? = null, lazyCollectionChildren: LazyCollectionChildren) : KComponent
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constructor(layout: CollectionLayout, itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator?, itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null, clipToPadding: Boolean? = null, clipChildren: Boolean? = null, startPadding: Dimen? = null, endPadding: Dimen? = null, topPadding: Dimen? = null, bottomPadding: Dimen? = null, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null, scrollBarStyle: Int? = null, recyclerViewId: Int? = null, overScrollMode: Int? = null, refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null, touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null, itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null, sectionTreeTag: String? = null, startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null, style: Style? = null, onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null, onDataBound: () -> Unit? = null, handle: Handle? = null, onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null, onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null, onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null, onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null, lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null, onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null, childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true, alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false, isLeftFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, isRightFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, isTopFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, isBottomFadingEnabled: Boolean = true, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null, shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false, onBeforeLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnBeforeLayoutListener? = null, onAfterLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnAfterLayoutListener? = null, lazyCollectionChildren: LazyCollectionChildren)
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