Package-level declarations


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data class CollectionChild(val id: Any, val component: Component? = null, val componentFunction: () -> Component?? = null, val isSticky: Boolean = false, val isFullSpan: Boolean = false, val spanSize: Int? = null, val parentWidthPercent: Float = -1f, val parentHeightPercent: Float = -1f, val deps: Array<Any?>? = null, val onNearViewport: OnNearCallback? = null)
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abstract class CollectionLayout(componentContext: ComponentContext, orientation: Int, reverse: Boolean, rangeRatio: Float? = null, useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false, isReconciliationEnabled: Boolean = componentContext.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.isReconciliationEnabled, isIncrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = componentContext.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.incrementalMountEnabled, hasDynamicItemHeight: Boolean = false, val canMeasureRecycler: Boolean = false, mainAxisWrapContent: Boolean = false, preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler?)

Provide layout configuration options to a Collection

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A receiver for lambdas that create a component within a ContainerDsl. Prevents accidental calls to child()

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Specifies how a Collection will wrap its contents across the cross axis. For example, in a horizontal list, the cross axis is vertical, meaning this enum controls how the Collection will determine its height.

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class LazyCollection(layout: CollectionLayout, itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = null, itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null, clipToPadding: Boolean? = null, clipChildren: Boolean? = null, startPadding: Dimen? = null, endPadding: Dimen? = null, topPadding: Dimen? = null, bottomPadding: Dimen? = null, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null, scrollBarStyle: Int? = null, recyclerViewId: Int? = null, overScrollMode: Int? = null, refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null, touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null, itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null, sectionTreeTag: String? = null, startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null, style: Style? = null, onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null, onDataBound: () -> Unit? = null, handle: Handle? = null, onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null, onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null, onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null, onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null, lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null, onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null, childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true, overlayRenderCount: Boolean = false, alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null, shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false, lazyCollectionChildren: LazyCollectionChildren) : KComponent
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A container for the children of a Lazy Collection. Manages the creation of ids, and callback registration.

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A controller that can be set on a LazyCollection to trigger external events. Most calls should be made on the main thread e.g. within a Style.onClick { } callback.

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data class LinearSpacingItemDecoration(@Px val all: Int? = null, @Px val between: Int? = null, @Px val start: Int? = null, @Px val end: Int? = null) : RecyclerView.ItemDecoration
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typealias OnDataRendered = (isDataChanged: Boolean, isMounted: Boolean, monoTimestampMs: Long, firstVisibleIndex: Int, lastVisibleIndex: Int, changesInfo: ChangesInfo, globalOffset: Int) -> Unit
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class OnNearCallback(val offset: Int = 0, val callback: () -> Unit)

A callback triggered when a LazyCollection is scrolled "near" to a specific position, as defined by being within offset items away.

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typealias OnViewportChanged = (firstVisibleIndex: Int, lastVisibleIndex: Int, totalCount: Int, firstFullyVisibleIndex: Int, lastFullyVisibleIndex: Int) -> Unit
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class OverlayRenderCount(val component: Component) : KComponent

A component that overlays a render count on top of its children.


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inline fun ResourcesScope.LazyGrid(orientation: Int = RecyclerView.VERTICAL, snapMode: Int = SnapUtil.SNAP_NONE, snapToStartOffset: Dimen = 0.dp, reverse: Boolean = false, columns: Int = 2, itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = null, itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null, clipToPadding: Boolean? = null, clipChildren: Boolean? = null, startPadding: Dimen? = null, endPadding: Dimen? = null, topPadding: Dimen? = null, bottomPadding: Dimen? = null, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null, scrollBarStyle: Int? = null, recyclerViewId: Int? = null, overScrollMode: Int? = null, refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null, touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null, itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null, sectionTreeTag: String? = null, startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null, style: Style? = null, noinline onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null, noinline onDataBound: () -> Unit? = null, handle: Handle? = null, noinline onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null, onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null, onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null, onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null, lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null, noinline onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null, rangeRatio: Float? = null, useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false, isReconciliationEnabled: Boolean = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.isReconciliationEnabled, childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true, overlayRenderCount: Boolean = false, alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null, preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler? = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.preAllocationHandler, shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false, init: LazyGridScope.() -> Unit): Component

A scrollable collection of components arranged in a grid

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inline fun ResourcesScope.LazyList(orientation: Int = RecyclerView.VERTICAL, snapMode: Int = SnapUtil.SNAP_NONE, snapToStartOffset: Dimen = 0.dp, reverse: Boolean = false, crossAxisWrapMode: CrossAxisWrapMode = CrossAxisWrapMode.NoWrap, mainAxisWrapContent: Boolean = false, itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = null, itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null, clipToPadding: Boolean? = null, clipChildren: Boolean? = null, startPadding: Dimen? = null, endPadding: Dimen? = null, topPadding: Dimen? = null, bottomPadding: Dimen? = null, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null, scrollBarStyle: Int? = null, recyclerViewId: Int? = null, overScrollMode: Int? = null, refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null, touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null, itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null, sectionTreeTag: String? = null, startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null, style: Style? = null, noinline onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null, noinline onDataBound: () -> Unit? = null, handle: Handle? = null, noinline onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null, onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null, onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null, onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null, lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null, noinline onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null, rangeRatio: Float? = null, useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false, isReconciliationEnabled: Boolean = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.isReconciliationEnabled, preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler? = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.preAllocationHandler, childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true, overlayRenderCount: Boolean = false, alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null, shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false, init: LazyListScope.() -> Unit): Component

A scrollable collection of components arranged linearly

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inline fun ResourcesScope.LazyStaggeredGrid(orientation: Int = RecyclerView.VERTICAL, snapMode: Int = SnapUtil.SNAP_NONE, reverse: Boolean = false, spans: Int = 2, gapStrategy: Int = StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_NONE, itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = null, itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null, clipToPadding: Boolean? = null, clipChildren: Boolean? = null, startPadding: Dimen? = null, endPadding: Dimen? = null, topPadding: Dimen? = null, bottomPadding: Dimen? = null, nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null, scrollBarStyle: Int? = null, recyclerViewId: Int? = null, overScrollMode: Int? = null, refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null, touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null, itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null, sectionTreeTag: String? = null, startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null, style: Style? = null, noinline onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null, noinline onDataBound: () -> Unit? = null, handle: Handle? = null, noinline onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null, onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null, onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null, onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null, lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null, noinline onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null, rangeRatio: Float? = null, useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false, isReconciliationEnabled: Boolean = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.isReconciliationEnabled, isIncrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = true, childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true, overlayRenderCount: Boolean = false, alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false, fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null, preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler? = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.preAllocationHandler, shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false, init: LazyGridScope.() -> Unit): Component

A scrollable collection of components arranged in a staggered grid

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fun ResourcesScope.LinearSpacing(all: Dimen? = null, between: Dimen? = null, start: Dimen? = null, end: Dimen? = null): RecyclerView.ItemDecoration

An ItemDecoration to add spacing around list items in a Collection. It is intended for use with linear collections (which is the default layout, see CollectionLayouts.Linear), and wont work with grids or staggered grids.

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fun ResourcesScope.scrollBy(controller: LazyCollectionController, dx: Dimen, dy: Dimen)

Scroll the LazyCollection by a given number of pixels. The Scroll is instant. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollBy.

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fun ResourcesScope.scrollToId(controller: LazyCollectionController, id: Any, offset: Dimen = 0.px)

Scroll the LazyCollection so that the child with the given id is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToId.

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fun ResourcesScope.scrollToIndex(controller: LazyCollectionController, index: Int, offset: Dimen = 0.px)

Scroll the LazyCollection so that the child at the given index is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToIndex.

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fun ResourcesScope.smoothScrollBy(controller: LazyCollectionController, dx: Dimen, dy: Dimen)

Perform and animated scroll on the LazyCollection by a given number of pixels. For an instantaneous scroll use scrollBy.

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fun ResourcesScope.smoothScrollToId(controller: LazyCollectionController, id: Any, offset: Dimen = 0.px, smoothScrollAlignmentType: SmoothScrollAlignmentType? = SmoothScrollAlignmentType.DEFAULT)

Perform an animated scroll on the LazyCollection so that the child with the given id is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToId.

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fun ResourcesScope.smoothScrollToIndex(controller: LazyCollectionController, index: Int, offset: Dimen = 0.px, smoothScrollAlignmentType: SmoothScrollAlignmentType? = SmoothScrollAlignmentType.DEFAULT)

Perform an animated scroll on the LazyCollection so that the child at the given index is fully visible. For an instantaneous scroll use scrollToIndex.