Package-level declarations


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value class Visibility


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inline fun Style.onFocusedVisible(noinline onFocused: (FocusedVisibleEvent) -> Unit): Style

Registers a callback to be called when either the Component occupies at least half of the viewport, or, if the Component is smaller than half the viewport, when it is fully visible.

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inline fun Style.onFullImpression(noinline onFullImpression: (FullImpressionVisibleEvent) -> Unit): Style

Registers a callback to be called when all parts of a Component have been made visible at some point, termed a "full impression". A full impression is defined as:

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inline fun Style.onInvisible(noinline onInvisible: (InvisibleEvent) -> Unit): Style

Registers a callback to be called when a Component becomes fully invisible (e.g. scrolled off or unmounted)

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inline fun Style.onUnfocusedVisible(noinline onUnfocused: (UnfocusedVisibleEvent) -> Unit): Style

Registers a callback to be called when the Component is no longer focused, i.e. it is not fully visible and does not occupy at least half the viewport.

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inline fun Style.onVisibilityChanged(noinline onVisibilityChanged: (VisibilityChangedEvent) -> Unit): Style

Registers a callback to be called when the visible rect of a Component changes.

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inline fun Style.onVisible(noinline onVisible: (VisibleEvent) -> Unit): Style

Registers a callback to be called when any part of the Component becomes visible on screen.

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inline fun Style.onVisibleWithTag(tag: String?, noinline onVisible: (VisibleEvent) -> Unit): Style
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Defines the visibility of the Component. The values can be Visibility.VISIBLE or Visibility.INVISIBLE. The default value Visibility.VISIBLE which means is the same as View.VISIBLE; i.e. the component will be invisible but still occupy space. Note: Using this API will not change how Visibility Events are dispatched; onVisible and/or onInvisible will work as if this property was not in use.

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inline fun Style.visibleHeightRatio(visibleHeightRatio: Float): Style

Defines a ratio of the Component height for the visibility callback to be dispatched use together with onVisible and/or with onInvisible.

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inline fun Style.visibleWidthRatio(visibleWidthRatio: Float): Style

Defines a ratio of the Component width for the visibility callback to be dispatched use together with onVisible and/or with onInvisible.