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val children: MutableList<CanvasTransformChildModel>


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inline fun inverse()

Inverts the transform being built in the current scope.

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inline fun rotate(degrees: Float = 0.0f, pivot: Point = Point(0f, 0f))

Postconcats the current transform with the specified rotation.

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inline fun scale(sx: Float = 1.0f, sy: Float = 1.0f, pivot: Point = Point(0f, 0f))

Postconcats the current transform with the specified scale.

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inline fun skew(kx: Float = 0.0f, ky: Float = 0.0f, pivot: Point = Point(0f, 0f))

Postconcats the current transform with the specified skewing.

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inline fun translate(dx: Float = 0.0f, dy: Float = 0.0f)

Postconcats the current transform with the specified translation.