
class LithoViewAssert : AbstractAssert<LithoViewAssert, LithoView>

Assertion methods for LithoViews.

To create an instance of this class, invoke [LithoViewAssert.assertThat].

Alternatively, use LegacyLithoAssertions which provides entry points to all Litho AssertJ helpers.


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object Companion
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val info: WritableAssertionInfo


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open override fun as(p0: Description): LithoViewAssert
open override fun as(p0: String, vararg p1: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun asList(): AbstractListAssert<*, MutableList<out Any>, Any, ObjectAssert<Any>>
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open override fun asString(): AbstractCharSequenceAssert<*, String>
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Assert that the LithoView under test has the provided Component classes in the Component Tree hierarchy

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Assert that the LithoView has a direct component of type clazz

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Assert that the LithoView under test has the provided Component class in the Component Tree hierarchy given number of times

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Assert that the LithoView under test has the provided Component class once in the Component Tree hierarchy.

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open override fun describedAs(p0: Description): LithoViewAssert
open override fun describedAs(p0: String, vararg p1: Any): LithoViewAssert
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Assert that the LithoView under test does not contain the provided Component classes in the Component Tree hierarchy

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Assert that the LithoView does not have a direct component of type clazz

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open override fun doesNotHave(p0: Condition<in LithoView>): LithoViewAssert
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fun <T1, T2> doesNotHaveMatchingComponent(kClass: KClass<out Component>, vararg propsValuePairs: Pair<KProperty1<T2, T1>, T1>): LithoViewAssert

Asserts that the LithoView does not contain a Component with given props at any level of the hierarchy. This function uses DFS algorithm to go through the whole component tree

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Inverse of .hasVisibleDrawable

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Inverse of .hasVisibleText

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Inverse of .hasVisibleTextContaining.

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Inverse of .hasVisibleTextMatching.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open fun getWritableAssertionInfo(): WritableAssertionInfo
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open override fun has(p0: Condition<in LithoView>): LithoViewAssert
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Asserts that the LithoView contains a Component satisfying the given condition at any level of the hierarchy

fun <T1, T2> hasAnyMatchingComponent(kClass: KClass<out Component>, vararg propsValuePairs: Pair<KProperty1<T2, T1>, T1>): LithoViewAssert

Asserts that the LithoView contains a Component with given props at any level of the hierarchy. This function uses DFS algorithm to go through the whole component tree

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fun <T2, T1> hasAnyMatchingComponentWithMatcher(kClass: KClass<out Component>, vararg propsMatcherPairs: Pair<KProperty1<T2, T1>, Matcher<T1>>): LithoViewAssert

Asserts that the LithoView contains a Component with props that matches given matcher at any level of the hierarchy

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fun hasContentDescription(contentDescription: String): LithoViewAssert

Assert that any view in the given Component has the provided content description.

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Asserts that the LithoView will render Component as a direct children of the root satisfying the given condition.

fun <T1, T2> hasDirectMatchingComponent(kClass: KClass<out Component>, vararg propsValuePairs: Pair<KProperty1<T2, T1>, T1>): LithoViewAssert

Asserts that the LithoView contains a direct Component with given props

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fun <T2, T1> hasDirectMatchingComponentWithMatcher(kClass: KClass<out Component>, vararg propsMatcherPairs: Pair<KProperty1<T2, T1>, Matcher<T1>>): LithoViewAssert

Asserts that the LithoView contains a Component with props that matches given matcher at any level of the hierarchy

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Assert that the LithoView under test has the provided measured height.

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Assert that the LithoView under test has the provided measured width.

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Assert that any view in the given Component do not have the provided content description.

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open override fun hasSameClassAs(p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun hasSameHashCodeAs(p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun hasToString(p0: String): LithoViewAssert
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fun hasViewTag(tagId: Int, tagValue: Any): LithoViewAssert

Assert that the view tag is present for the given index.

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Assert that the given component contains the drawable provided.

Assert that the given component contains the drawable identified by the provided drawable resource id.

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Assert that the given component has the exact text identified by resource id.

Assert that the given component has the exact text provided.

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Assert that the given component contains the provided text. Useful if checking portion of text that may be appended with other text in a span.

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Assert that the given component contains the provided pattern.

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open override fun is(p0: Condition<in LithoView>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isEqualTo(p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isExactlyInstanceOf(p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isIn(vararg p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
open override fun isIn(p0: MutableIterable<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isInstanceOf(p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isInstanceOfAny(vararg p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNot(p0: Condition<in LithoView>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotEqualTo(p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotExactlyInstanceOf(p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotIn(vararg p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
open override fun isNotIn(p0: MutableIterable<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotInstanceOf(p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotInstanceOfAny(vararg p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotNull(): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotOfAnyClassIn(vararg p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNotSameAs(p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isNull()
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open override fun isOfAnyClassIn(vararg p0: Class<*>): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun isSameAs(p0: Any): LithoViewAssert
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Assert that the LithoView will not render content, the root component will either return null or a child with width and height equal to 0

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Assert that the LithoView will render content, the root component won't return null nor a child with height and width equal to 0

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open fun withFailMessage(p0: String, vararg p1: Any): LithoViewAssert
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open override fun withRepresentation(p0: Representation): LithoViewAssert
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