
class ComponentAssert : AbstractAssert<SELF, ACTUAL>


Assertion methods for Components.

To create an instance of this class, invoke assertThat or assertThat.


Use LithoAssertions which provides entry points to all Litho AssertJ helpers.


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val info: WritableAssertionInfo


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Avoid using this method, as an alternative, try invoking the code that causes the real state update in your test.
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open fun as(description: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun asList(): AbstractListAssert<out Any, List<out Any>, Any, ObjectAssert<Any>>
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open fun assertThat(componentContext: ComponentContext, component: Component): ComponentAssert
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open fun asString(): AbstractCharSequenceAssert<out Any, String>
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Verifies that the component contains only the given sub-components and nothing else, in order.
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Assert that the given component contains the provided sub-component.
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open fun describedAs(description: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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Assert that the given component does not contain the provided sub-component.
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open fun doesNotHave(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun doesNotHaveSameClassAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun equals(obj: Any): Boolean
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open fun <A> extracting(extractor: Extractor<Component, List<A>>): ListAssert<A>
Extract values from the underlying component based on the Extractor provided.
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Extract the sub components from the underlying Component, returning a ListAssert over it
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Extract the sub components recursively from the underlying Component, returning a ListAssert over it.
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open fun getWritableAssertionInfo(): WritableAssertionInfo
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open fun has(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun hasContentDescription(contentDescription: String): ComponentAssert
Assert that any view in the given Component has the provided content description.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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Assert that the given component has no sub-components.
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open fun <T1, T2> hasProps(property: KProperty1<T2, T1>, value: T1): ComponentAssert
Assert that a given Component has a property equaling the provided value.
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open fun <T1, T2> hasPropsMatching(property: KProperty1<T2, T1>, matcher: Matcher<T1>): ComponentAssert
Assert that a given Component has a property matching the provided matcher.
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open fun hasSameClassAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun hasSameHashCodeAs(other: Any): SELF
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Verifies that the component contains the exact list of provided sub-components.
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open fun hasToString(expectedToString: String): SELF
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open fun hasViewTag(tagId: Int, tagValue: Any): ComponentAssert
Assert that the view tag is present for the given index.
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Assert that the given component contains the drawable provided.
Assert that the given component contains the drawable identified by the provided drawable resource id.
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open fun hasVisibleText(@StringRes resourceId: Int): ComponentAssert
Assert that the given component has the exact text identified by resource id.
Assert that the given component has the exact text provided.
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Assert that the given component contains the provided text.
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Assert that the given component contains the provided pattern.
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open fun is(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun isEqualTo(expected: Any): SELF
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open fun isExactlyInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isIn(values: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun isInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isInstanceOfAny(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isNot(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun isNotEqualTo(other: Any): SELF
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open fun isNotExactlyInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isNotIn(values: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun isNotInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isNotInstanceOfAny(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isNotNull(): SELF
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open fun isNotOfAnyClassIn(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isNotSameAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun isNull()
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open fun isOfAnyClassIn(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isSameAs(expected: Any): SELF
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open fun overridingErrorMessage(newErrorMessage: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun setCustomRepresentation(customRepresentation: Representation)
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open fun usingComparator(customComparator: Comparator<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun usingDefaultComparator(): SELF
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Assert that a given Component produces a non-null layout.
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open fun withFailMessage(newErrorMessage: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun withRepresentation(representation: Representation): SELF
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Avoid using this method.
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open fun withThreadDumpOnError(): SELF
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Assert that a given Component renders to null, i.e.