
A receiver for lambdas that create a component within a ContainerDsl. Prevents accidental calls to child()

LazyList {
  child(id = 1, deps = arrayOf) {
    child(Text("")) // Prevent this


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constructor(context: ComponentContext)


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open override val androidContext: Context
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open override val context: ComponentContext
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open override val resourceResolver: ResourceResolver
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open val <T> TreeProp<T>.value: T


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inline fun ResourcesScope.Border(    edgeAll: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeHorizontal: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeVertical: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeStart: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeEnd: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeTop: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeBottom: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeLeft: BorderEdge? = null,     edgeRight: BorderEdge? = null,     radius: BorderRadius? = null,     effect: BorderEffect? = null): Border

Creates a border style to be applied to a component

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inline fun ResourcesScope.Card(    style: Style? = null,     @ColorInt cardBackgroundColor: Int = Color.WHITE,     cornerRadius: Dimen = 2.dp,     elevation: Dimen = 2.dp,     @ColorInt clippingColor: Int = Integer.MIN_VALUE,     @ColorInt shadowStartColor: Int = 922746880,     @ColorInt shadowEndColor: Int = 50331648,     shadowBottomOverride: Dimen? = null,     disableClipTopLeft: Boolean = false,     disableClipTopRight: Boolean = false,     disableClipBottomLeft: Boolean = false,     disableClipBottomRight: Boolean = false,     transparencyEnabled: Boolean = false,     crossinline child: ResourcesScope.() -> Component): Card

Builder function for creating CardSpec components.

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open fun getIntAttrValue(componentContext: ComponentContext, id: Int, attrs: IntArray, defaultValue: Int): Int
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inline fun ResourcesScope.HorizontalScroll(    initialScrollPosition: Dimen = ExperimentalHorizontalScroll.LAST_SCROLL_POSITION_UNSET.dp,     scrollbarEnabled: Boolean = true,     wrapContent: Boolean = false,     fillViewport: Boolean = false,     eventsController: HorizontalScrollEventsController? = null,     noinline onScrollChange: (View, scrollX: Int, oldScrollX: Int) -> Unit? = null,     horizontalFadingEdgeEnabled: Boolean = false,     incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = false,     overScrollMode: Int = View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS,     scrollStateListener: ScrollStateListener? = null,     fadingEdgeLength: Int = 0,     style: Style? = null,     crossinline child: ResourcesScope.() -> Component): Component

Builder function for creating HorizontalScrollSpec components.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.Image(    drawable: Drawable,     style: Style? = null,     scaleType: ImageView.ScaleType = ScaleType.FIT_CENTER,     useIntrinsicSize: Boolean = true): Image

Builder function for creating ImageSpec components.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.LazyGrid(    orientation: Int = RecyclerView.VERTICAL,     snapMode: Int = SnapUtil.SNAP_NONE,     snapToStartOffset: Dimen = 0.dp,     reverse: Boolean = false,     columns: Int = 2,     itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = CollectionRecyclerSpec.itemAnimator,     itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null,     clipToPadding: Boolean? = null,     clipChildren: Boolean? = null,     startPadding: Dimen? = null,     endPadding: Dimen? = null,     topPadding: Dimen? = null,     bottomPadding: Dimen? = null,     nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     scrollBarStyle: Int? = null,     recyclerViewId: Int? = null,     overScrollMode: Int? = null,     refreshProgressBarBackgroundColor: Int? = null,     refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null,     touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null,     itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null,     sectionTreeTag: String? = null,     startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null,     style: Style? = null,     noinline onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null,     noinline onDataBound: OnDataBound? = null,     handle: Handle? = null,     noinline onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null,     onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null,     onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null,     onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null,     lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null,     noinline onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null,     rangeRatio: Float? = null,     useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false,     childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true,     alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false,     isLeftFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isRightFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isTopFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isBottomFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null,     mainAxisWrapContent: Boolean = false,     preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler? = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.preAllocationHandler,     shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false,     enableStableIds: Boolean = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.useStableIdsInRecyclerBinder,     gridLayoutInfoFactory: GridLayoutInfoFactory? = null,     onBeforeLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnBeforeLayoutListener? = null,     onAfterLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnAfterLayoutListener? = null,     crossinline init: LazyGridScope.() -> Unit): Component

A scrollable collection of components arranged in a grid

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inline fun ResourcesScope.LazyList(    orientation: Int = RecyclerView.VERTICAL,     snapMode: Int = SnapUtil.SNAP_NONE,     snapHelper: SnapHelper? = null,     snapToStartOffset: Dimen = 0.dp,     reverse: Boolean = false,     crossAxisWrapMode: CrossAxisWrapMode = CrossAxisWrapMode.NoWrap,     mainAxisWrapContent: Boolean = false,     itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = CollectionRecyclerSpec.itemAnimator,     itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null,     clipToPadding: Boolean? = null,     clipChildren: Boolean? = null,     startPadding: Dimen? = null,     endPadding: Dimen? = null,     topPadding: Dimen? = null,     bottomPadding: Dimen? = null,     nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     scrollBarStyle: Int? = null,     recyclerViewId: Int? = null,     overScrollMode: Int? = null,     refreshProgressBarBackgroundColor: Int? = null,     refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null,     touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null,     itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null,     sectionTreeTag: String? = null,     startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null,     style: Style? = null,     noinline onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null,     noinline onDataBound: OnDataBound? = null,     handle: Handle? = null,     noinline onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null,     onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null,     onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null,     onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null,     lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null,     noinline onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null,     rangeRatio: Float? = null,     useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false,     preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler? = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.preAllocationHandler,     childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true,     alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false,     isLeftFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isRightFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isTopFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isBottomFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null,     shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false,     isCircular: Boolean = false,     enableStableIds: Boolean = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.useStableIdsInRecyclerBinder,     linearLayoutInfoFactory: LinearLayoutInfoFactory? = null,     onBeforeLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnBeforeLayoutListener? = null,     onAfterLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnAfterLayoutListener? = null,     crossinline init: LazyListScope.() -> Unit): Component

A scrollable collection of components arranged linearly

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inline fun ResourcesScope.LazyStaggeredGrid(    orientation: Int = RecyclerView.VERTICAL,     snapMode: Int = SnapUtil.SNAP_NONE,     reverse: Boolean = false,     spans: Int = 2,     gapStrategy: Int = StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_NONE,     itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = CollectionRecyclerSpec.itemAnimator,     itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null,     clipToPadding: Boolean? = null,     clipChildren: Boolean? = null,     startPadding: Dimen? = null,     endPadding: Dimen? = null,     topPadding: Dimen? = null,     bottomPadding: Dimen? = null,     nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     scrollBarStyle: Int? = null,     recyclerViewId: Int? = null,     overScrollMode: Int? = null,     refreshProgressBarBackgroundColor: Int? = null,     refreshProgressBarColor: Int? = null,     touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null,     itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null,     sectionTreeTag: String? = null,     startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null,     style: Style? = null,     noinline onViewportChanged: OnViewportChanged? = null,     noinline onDataBound: OnDataBound? = null,     handle: Handle? = null,     noinline onPullToRefresh: () -> Unit? = null,     onNearEnd: OnNearCallback? = null,     onScrollListener: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener? = null,     onScrollListeners: List<RecyclerView.OnScrollListener?>? = null,     lazyCollectionController: LazyCollectionController? = null,     noinline onDataRendered: OnDataRendered? = null,     rangeRatio: Float? = null,     useBackgroundChangeSets: Boolean = false,     isIncrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = true,     childEquivalenceIncludesCommonProps: Boolean = true,     alwaysDetectDuplicates: Boolean = false,     isLeftFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isRightFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isTopFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     isBottomFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     fadingEdgeLength: Dimen? = null,     preAllocationHandler: PreAllocationHandler? = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.preAllocationHandler,     shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean = false,     staggeredGridlayoutInfoFactory: StaggeredGridLayoutInfoFactory? = null,     enableStableIds: Boolean = context.lithoConfiguration.componentsConfig.useStableIdsInRecyclerBinder,     onBeforeLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnBeforeLayoutListener? = null,     onAfterLayout: LithoRecyclerView.OnAfterLayoutListener? = null,     crossinline init: LazyGridScope.() -> Unit): Component

A scrollable collection of components arranged in a staggered grid

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fun ResourcesScope.LinearSpacing(    all: Dimen? = null,     between: Dimen? = null,     start: Dimen? = null,     end: Dimen? = null): RecyclerView.ItemDecoration

An ItemDecoration to add spacing around list items in a Collection. It is intended for use with linear collections (which is the default layout, see CollectionLayouts.Linear), and wont work with grids or staggered grids.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.Progress(@ColorInt color: Int? = null, style: Style? = null, indeterminateDrawable: Drawable? = null): Progress

Builder function for creating ProgressSpec components.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.RecyclerCollectionComponent(    section: Section,     recyclerConfiguration: RecyclerConfiguration = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.recyclerConfiguration,     itemAnimator: RecyclerView.ItemAnimator? = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.itemAnimator,     itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null,     loadingComponent: Component? = null,     emptyComponent: Component? = null,     errorComponent: Component? = null,     recyclerViewClipToPadding: Boolean = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.clipToPadding,     recyclerViewClipChildren: Boolean = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.clipChildren,     recyclerViewStartPadding: Dimen? = null,     recyclerViewEndPadding: Dimen? = null,     recyclerViewTopPadding: Dimen? = null,     recyclerViewBottomPadding: Dimen? = null,     disablePTR: Boolean = false,     nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.nestedScrollingEnabled,     scrollBarStyle: Int = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.scrollBarStyle,     recyclerViewId: Int = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.recyclerViewId,     overScrollMode: Int = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.overScrollMode,     refreshProgressBarColor: Int = RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.refreshProgressBarColor,     touchInterceptor: LithoRecyclerView.TouchInterceptor? = null,     itemTouchListener: RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener? = null,     eventsController: RecyclerCollectionEventsController? = null,     sectionTreeTag: String? = null,     startupLogger: LithoStartupLogger? = null,     stickyHeaderControllerFactory: StickyHeaderControllerFactory? = null,     sectionsViewLogger: SectionsRecyclerView.SectionsRecyclerViewLogger? = null,     handle: Handle? = null,     style: Style? = null): RecyclerCollectionComponent

Kotlin wrapper for the Component generated by RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.

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fun ResourcesScope.RenderWithConstraints(style: Style? = null, content: ComponentScope.(SizeConstraints) -> Component): Component

Utility for creating a layout tree that depends on its own and/or its children's size.

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fun ResourcesScope.scrollBy(controller: LazyCollectionController, dx: Dimen, dy: Dimen)

Scroll the LazyCollection by a given number of pixels. The Scroll is instant. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollBy.

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fun ResourcesScope.scrollToId(controller: LazyCollectionController, id: Any, offset: Dimen = 0.px)

Scroll the LazyCollection so that the child with the given id is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToId.

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fun ResourcesScope.scrollToIndex(controller: LazyCollectionController, index: Int, offset: Dimen = 0.px)

Scroll the LazyCollection so that the child at the given index is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToIndex.

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fun ResourcesScope.smoothScrollBy(controller: LazyCollectionController, dx: Dimen, dy: Dimen)

Perform and animated scroll on the LazyCollection by a given number of pixels. For an instantaneous scroll use scrollBy.

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fun ResourcesScope.smoothScrollToId(    controller: LazyCollectionController,     id: Any,     offset: Dimen = 0.px,     smoothScrollAlignmentType: SmoothScrollAlignmentType? = SmoothScrollAlignmentType.DEFAULT)

Perform an animated scroll on the LazyCollection so that the child with the given id is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToId.

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fun ResourcesScope.smoothScrollToIndex(    controller: LazyCollectionController,     index: Int,     offset: Dimen = 0.px,     smoothScrollAlignmentType: SmoothScrollAlignmentType? = SmoothScrollAlignmentType.DEFAULT)

Perform an animated scroll on the LazyCollection so that the child at the given index is fully visible. For an instantaneous scroll use scrollToIndex.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.SolidColor(@ColorInt color: Int, style: Style? = null): SolidColor

Builder function for creating SolidColorSpec components.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.Text(    text: CharSequence?,     style: Style? = null,     @ColorInt textColor: Int = Color.BLACK,     textSize: Dimen = 14.sp,     textStyle: Int = NORMAL,     typeface: Typeface? = DEFAULT,     @ColorInt shadowColor: Int = Color.GRAY,     shadowRadius: Dimen = 0.dp,     shadowDx: Dimen = 0.dp,     shadowDy: Dimen = 0.dp,     alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TEXT_START,     breakStrategy: Int = 0,     verticalGravity: VerticalGravity = VerticalGravity.TOP,     isSingleLine: Boolean = false,     ellipsize: TextUtils.TruncateAt? = null,     lineSpacingMultiplier: Float = 1.0f,     lineHeight: Dimen? = null,     extraSpacing: Dimen? = null,     letterSpacing: Float = 0.0f,     minLines: Int = 0,     maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE,     includeFontPadding: Boolean = true,     accessibleClickableSpans: Boolean = false,     clipToBounds: Boolean = true,     handle: Handle? = null,     customEllipsisText: CharSequence? = null,     @ColorInt backgroundColor: Int? = null,     @ColorInt highlightColor: Int? = null,     textDirection: TextDirectionHeuristicCompat? = null,     @AttrRes defStyleAttr: Int = 0,     @StyleRes defStyleRes: Int = 0,     dynamicTextColor: DynamicValue<Int>? = null,     testKey: String? = null,     @ColorInt outlineColor: Int? = null,     outlineWidth: Dimen = 0.dp): Text

Temporary builder function for creating TextSpec components. In the future it will either be auto-generated or modified to have the final set of parameters.

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inline fun ResourcesScope.TextInput(    initialText: CharSequence,     style: Style? = null,     hint: CharSequence = "",     @ColorInt textColor: Int = Color.BLACK,     @ColorInt hintTextColor: Int = Color.LTGRAY,     textSize: Dimen = 14.sp,     typeface: Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT,     textAlignment: Int = View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY,     gravity: Int = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL or Gravity.START,     editable: Boolean = true,     multiline: Boolean = false,     minLines: Int = 1,     maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE,     inputType: Int = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT,     imeOptions: Int = EditorInfo.IME_NULL,     inputFilter: InputFilter? = null,     inputFilters: List<InputFilter>? = null,     ellipsize: TextUtils.TruncateAt? = null,     noinline onTextChanged: (TextChangedEvent) -> Unit? = null,     noinline onSelectionChanged: (SelectionChangedEvent) -> Unit? = null,     noinline onInputFocusChanged: (InputFocusChangedEvent) -> Unit? = null,     noinline onKeyUp: (KeyUpEvent) -> Boolean? = null,     noinline onKeyPreIme: (KeyPreImeEvent) -> Boolean? = null,     noinline onEditorAction: (EditorActionEvent) -> Boolean? = null,     noinline onInputConnection: (InputConnectionEvent) -> InputConnection? = null,     handle: Handle? = null,     inputBackground: Drawable? = null,     textWatcher: TextWatcher? = null): TextInput

Builder function for creating TextInputSpec components.

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open fun Dimen.toPixels(): Int
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inline fun ResourcesScope.VerticalScroll(    initialScrollPosition: Dimen = 0.px,     scrollbarEnabled: Boolean = false,     scrollbarFadingEnabled: Boolean = true,     verticalFadingEdgeEnabled: Boolean = false,     nestedScrollingEnabled: Boolean = false,     fadingEdgeLength: Dimen = 0.dp,     fadingEdgeColor: Int? = null,     fillViewport: Boolean = false,     overScrollMode: Int = View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS,     eventsController: VerticalScrollEventsController? = null,     shouldCompareCommonProps: Boolean = false,     incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean = true,     noinline onScrollChange: (NestedScrollView, scrollY: Int, oldScrollY: Int) -> Unit? = null,     noinline onScrollStateChange: (View, Int) -> Unit? = null,     noinline onInterceptTouch: (NestedScrollView, event: MotionEvent) -> Boolean? = null,     style: Style? = null,     crossinline child: ResourcesScope.() -> Component): Component

Builder function for creating Vertical Scroll Primitive.