class Builder
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies a color for a specific edge
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies a color for a specific edge
Link copied to clipboard
Applies a dash effect to the border
Link copied to clipboard
Applies a discrete effect to the border
Link copied to clipboard
fun pathDashEffect(shape: Path?, advance: Float, phase: Float, style: PathDashPathEffect.Style?): Border.Builder
Applies a path dash effect to the border
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies the border radius for all corners
Specifies the border radius for the given corner
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies the border radius for all corners
Specifies the border radius for the given corner
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies the border radius for all corners
Specifies the border radius for the given corner
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies the border radius for all corners
Specifies the border radius for the given corner
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies a width for a specific edge
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies a width for a specific edge
Link copied to clipboard
Specifies a width for a specific edge