Package-level declarations


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inline fun Style.accessibilityHeading(isAccessibilityHeading: Boolean): Style

Whether the view is a heading for a section of content for accessibility purposes.

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inline fun Style.accessibilityRole(accessibilityRole: String?): Style

The Android Talkback "role" this component has. This will be read out when the view is visited in Talkback mode. See AccessibilityRoleType for possible roles.

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inline fun Style.accessibilityRoleDescription(accessibilityRoleDescription: CharSequence?): Style

The description for this Component's accessibilityRole. This will be read out when the view is visited in Talkback mode.

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inline fun Style.contentDescription(contentDescription: CharSequence?): Style

A description of the contents of this Component for accessibility.

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inline fun Style.importantForAccessibility(importantForAccessibility: ImportantForAccessibility): Style

Sets whether this Component is "important for accessibility". If it is, it fires accessibility events and is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. The value for this property can be one of the values in ImportantForAccessibility.

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inline fun Style.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(noinline onInitializeAccessibilityEventHandler: (OnInitializeAccessibilityEventEvent) -> Unit): Style

Initializes an AccessibilityEvent with information about the the host View which dispatched the event.

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inline fun Style.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(noinline onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoHandler: (OnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoEvent) -> Unit): Style

Initializes an AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat with information about the host view.

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inline fun Style.onPerformAccessibilityAction(noinline onPerformAccessibilityActionHandler: (PerformAccessibilityActionEvent) -> Unit): Style

Called when performs the specified accessibility action on the view.

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inline fun Style.onPerformActionForVirtualView(noinline onPerformActionForVirtualViewHandler: (PerformActionForVirtualViewEvent) -> Unit): Style

Performs the specified accessibility action on a virtual view child of the host View and gives an opportunity to the parent (the host) to implement the desired behavior.

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inline fun Style.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(noinline onPopulateAccessibilityEventHandler: (OnPopulateAccessibilityEventEvent) -> Unit): Style

Gives a chance to the host View to populate the accessibility event with its text content.

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inline fun Style.onPopulateAccessibilityNode(noinline onPopulateAccessibilityNodeHandler: (OnPopulateAccessibilityNodeEvent) -> Unit): Style

Gives a chance to the component to implement its own accessibility support.

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inline fun Style.onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(noinline onRequestSendAccessibilityEventHandler: (OnRequestSendAccessibilityEventEvent) -> Unit): Style

Called when a child of the host View has requested sending an AccessibilityEvent and gives an opportunity to the parent (the host) to augment the event.

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inline fun Style.onSendAccessibilityEvent(noinline onSendAccessibilityEventHandler: (SendAccessibilityEventEvent) -> Unit): Style

Called when Sends an accessibility event of the given type. If accessibility is not enabled this method has no effect.

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inline fun Style.onSendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(noinline onSendAccessibilityEventUncheckedHandler: (SendAccessibilityEventUncheckedEvent) -> Unit): Style

Sends an accessibility event. This method behaves exactly as sendAccessibilityEvent() but takes as an argument an empty AccessibilityEvent and does not perform a check whether accessibility is enabled.

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inline fun Style.onVirtualViewKeyboardFocusChanged(noinline onVirtualViewKeyboardFocusChangedHandler: (VirtualViewKeyboardFocusChangedEvent) -> Unit): Style

Called when a virtual view child of the host View has changed keyboard focus and gives an opportunity to the parent (the host) to react (changing visual display, etc.)