Package-level declarations


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inline fun <BindDataT : Any> Style.viewBinder(binder: RenderUnit.Binder<Unit, View, BindDataT>): Style

An overload of Style.viewBinder which takes a RenderUnit.Binder that does not require a model.

fun Style.viewBinder(binder: RenderUnit.DelegateBinder<*, View, Any>): Style

inline fun <ModelT, BindDataT : Any> Style.viewBinder(binder: RenderUnit.Binder<ModelT, View, BindDataT>, model: ModelT): Style

Creates a Style which will apply the given RenderUnit.Binder to the View rendered by the Component the Style is added to. This abstraction can be used to create higher-level Styles which can apply some property generically to any type of Component.