class ComponentTestHelper
Helper class to simplify testing of components.
Allows simple and short creation of views that are created and mounted in a similar way to how they are in real apps.
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open fun createScopedComponentContextWithStateForTest(parent: ComponentContext, component: Component, key: String): ComponentContext
Creates a ComponentContext scoped to a given component and initialized with its StateContainer.
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open fun dispatchOnFocusedVisibleEvent(context: ComponentContext, onFocusedVisibleHandler: EventHandler, component: Component): LithoView
Mounts the component &triggers the focused visibility event.
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open fun dispatchOnInvisibleEvent(context: ComponentContext, onInvisibleHandler: EventHandler, component: Component): LithoView
Mounts the component &triggers the invisible event.
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open fun dispatchOnVisibleEvent(context: ComponentContext, onVisibleHandler: EventHandler, component: Component): LithoView
Mounts the component &triggers the visibility event.
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Access the default layout thread looper for testing purposes only.
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Access the shadow of the default layout thread looper for testing purposes only.
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open fun <T : Component?> getSubComponent(component: Component.Builder, componentClass: Class<T>): Component
Returns the first subComponent of type class.
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open fun getSubComponents(component: Component.Builder, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): List<SubComponent>
open fun getSubComponents(context: ComponentContext, component: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): List<SubComponent>
Get the subcomponents of a component
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Measure and layout a component view.
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open fun mountComponent(component: Component.Builder, incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean, visibilityProcessingEnabled: Boolean): LithoView
open fun mountComponent(context: ComponentContext, lithoView: LithoView, component: Component): LithoView
open fun mountComponent(context: ComponentContext, component: Component, incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean, visibilityProcessingEnabled: Boolean): LithoView
open fun mountComponent(context: ComponentContext, component: Component, width: Int, height: Int): LithoView
open fun mountComponent(context: ComponentContext, lithoView: LithoView, component: Component, width: Int, height: Int): LithoView
open fun mountComponent(context: ComponentContext, lithoView: LithoView, component: Component, incrementalMountEnabled: Boolean, visibilityProcessingEnabled: Boolean, width: Int, height: Int): LithoView
Mount a component into a component view.
open fun mountComponent(lithoView: LithoView, componentTree: ComponentTree, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): LithoView
Mount a component tree into a component view.
open fun mountComponent(lithoView: LithoView, componentTree: ComponentTree, component: Component): LithoView
Set a root component to a component tree, and mount it into a component view.
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Sets a TreeProp that will be visible to all Components which are created from the given Context (unless a child overwrites its).
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Sets a TreeProp that will be visible to all Components which are created from the given Context (unless a child overwrites its).
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Triggers a Litho visibility event The event needs to be one of VisibleEvent, InvisibleEvent, , UnfocusedVisibleEvent, or FullImpressionVisibleEvent.
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Unbinds a component tree from a component view.
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Unmounts a component tree from a component view.