
Represents a tree of components and controls their life cycle. ComponentTree takes in a single root component and recursively invokes its OnCreateLayout to create a tree of components. ComponentTree is responsible for refreshing the mounted state of a component with new props.

The usual use case for ComponentTree is: ComponentTree component = ComponentTree.create(context, MyComponent.create()); myHostView.setRoot(component);


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class Builder
A builder class that can be used to create a ComponentTree.
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interface MeasureListener
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Listener that will be notified when a new LayoutState is computed and ready to be committed to this ComponentTree.


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val INVALID_ID: Int = -1
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Provides a new instance of the TreeState that is initialized with the TreeState held by the ComponentTree.
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The provided measureListener will be called when a valid layout is commited.
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open fun applyLazyStateUpdatesForContainer(componentKey: String, container: StateContainer, isLayoutState: Boolean): StateContainer
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open fun <T> canSkipStateUpdate(globalKey: String, hookStateIndex: Int, @Nullable newValue: T, isLayoutState: Boolean): Boolean
open fun <T> canSkipStateUpdate(newValueFunction: (in T) -> out T, globalKey: String, hookStateIndex: Int, isLayoutState: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun checkWorkingRangeAndDispatch(position: Int, firstVisibleIndex: Int, lastVisibleIndex: Int, firstFullyVisibleIndex: Int, lastFullyVisibleIndex: Int)
Check if the any child components stored in LayoutState have entered/exited the working range, and dispatch the event to trigger the corresponding registered methods.
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Creates a ComponentTree nested inside the ComponentTree of the provided parentContext.
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open fun getCachedValue(globalKey: String, index: Int, cachedValueInputs: Any, isLayoutState: Boolean): Any
Returns a Cached value that is accessible across all re-render operations.
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open fun getEventTrigger(handle: Handle, methodId: Int): EventTrigger
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open fun getId(): Int
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open fun getLogger(): ComponentsLogger
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Retrieves the tree property associated with the given key, if it exists in this
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open fun hasCompatibleLayout(widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int): Boolean
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open fun hasMounted(): Boolean
Whether this ComponentTree has been mounted at least once.
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open fun isFirstMount(): Boolean
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Returns whether incremental mount is enabled or not in this component.
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open fun isReleased(): Boolean
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open fun onErrorComponent(component: Component)
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open fun putCachedValue(globalKey: String, index: Int, cachedValueInputs: Any, cachedValue: Any, isLayoutState: Boolean)
Stores a Cached value that will be accessible across all re-render operations.
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open fun release()
The contract is that in order to release a ComponentTree, you must do so from the main thread.
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open fun removePendingStateUpdate(key: String, nestedTreeContext: Boolean)
Removes a state update that was previously enqueued if the state update has not been processed yet.
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open fun setDebugLogsBreadcrumb(@Nullable breadcrumb: String)
This method associates this ComponentTree debug logs with the given String This allows you to create an association of the ComponentTree with any identifier or sorts that enables you to trace the logs of this ComponentTree with the identifier.
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open fun setFirstMount(isFirstMount: Boolean)
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open fun setRoot(@Nullable root: Component)
Update the root component.
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open fun setRootAndSizeSpecAsync(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int)
Compute asynchronously a new layout with the given component root and sizes
open fun setRootAndSizeSpecAsync(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable treePropContainer: TreePropContainer)
Compute asynchronously a new layout with the given component root, sizes and stored TreePropContainer.
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open fun setRootAndSizeSpecSync(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int)
Compute a new layout with the given component root and sizes
open fun setRootAndSizeSpecSync(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable output: Size)
open fun setRootAndSizeSpecSync(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable output: Size, @Nullable treePropContainer: TreePropContainer)
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open fun setRootAsync(@Nullable root: Component)
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open fun setRootSync(@Nullable root: Component)
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open fun setSizeSpec(widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int)
Update the width/height spec.
open fun setSizeSpec(widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable output: Size)
Same as setSizeSpec but fetches the resulting width/height in the given Size.
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open fun setSizeSpecAsync(widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int)
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open fun setVersionedRootAndSizeSpec(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable output: Size, @Nullable treePropContainer: TreePropContainer, externalRootVersion: Int)
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open fun setVersionedRootAndSizeSpecAsync(@Nullable root: Component, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, @Nullable output: Size, @Nullable treePropContainer: TreePropContainer, externalRootVersion: Int)
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fun updateHookStateAsync(globalKey: String, updater: HookUpdater, attribution: String, isLayoutState: Boolean)
Same as updateStateAsync but for Hook State.
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fun updateHookStateSync(globalKey: String, updater: HookUpdater, attribution: String, isLayoutState: Boolean)
Same as updateStateSync but for Hook State.
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open fun updateLayoutThreadHandler(@Nullable layoutThreadHandler: RunnableHandler)
Provide custom RunnableHandler.
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open fun updateStateAsync(componentKey: String, stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, attribution: String)

open fun updateStateAsync(componentKey: String, stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, attribution: String, isLayoutState: Boolean)
Enqueues a state update that will schedule a new render on a Thread controlled by the Litho infrastructure.
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open fun updateStateLazy(componentKey: String, stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, isLayoutState: Boolean)
Enqueues a state update that will not schedule a new render.
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open fun updateStateSync(componentKey: String, stateUpdate: StateContainer.StateUpdate, attribution: String, isLayoutState: Boolean)
Enqueues a state update that will schedule a new render on the calling thread at the end of its current run-loop.