
A controller that can be set on a LazyCollection to trigger external events. Most calls should be made on the main thread e.g. within a Style.onClick { } callback.


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Tells if the refresh indicator is currently shown or not

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Retrieve a reference to the RecyclerView. This should be avoided if possible, but may be necessary e.g. for custom animations.

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A reference to the SnapHelper that is currently attached to the RecyclerView. If this LazyCollection isn't mounted or doesn't have an associated SnapHelper, returns null.


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fun scrollBy(@Px dx: Int, @Px dy: Int)

Scroll the LazyCollection by a given number of pixels. The Scroll is instant. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollBy.

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fun scrollToId(id: Any, @Px offset: Int = 0)

Scroll the LazyCollection so that the child with the given id is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToId.

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fun scrollToIndex(index: Int, @Px offset: Int = 0)

Scroll the LazyCollection so that the child at the given index is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToIndex.

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fun setRecyclerUpdate(listener: (RecyclerView?) -> Unit)

Request a call back when a RecyclerView is bound or unbound.

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fun setRefreshing(isRefreshing: Boolean)

Toggle the refresh indicator based off a boolean. It is not necessary to call this within the LazyCollection's onPullToRefresh callback as it will be triggered automatically.

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fun smoothScrollBy(@Px dx: Int, @Px dy: Int)

Perform and animated scroll on the LazyCollection by a given number of pixels. For an instantaneous scroll use scrollBy.

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fun smoothScrollToId(id: Any, @Px offset: Int = 0, smoothScrollAlignmentType: SmoothScrollAlignmentType? = SmoothScrollAlignmentType.DEFAULT)

Perform an animated scroll on the LazyCollection so that the child with the given id is fully visible. For an animated scroll use smoothScrollToId.

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fun smoothScrollToIndex(index: Int, @Px offset: Int = 0, smoothScrollAlignmentType: SmoothScrollAlignmentType? = SmoothScrollAlignmentType.DEFAULT)

Perform an animated scroll on the LazyCollection so that the child at the given index is fully visible. For an instantaneous scroll use scrollToIndex.