Add a child Component to the Lazy Collection.
The component to add
A unique identifier for the child
Fix the child to the top of the collection if it is scrolled out of view
A callback that will be invoked when the child is close to or enters the visible area.
Percentage value(0-100) of the width of the parent container to fill
Percentage value(0-100) of the height of the parent container to fill
Add a child Component created by the provided componentFunction function to the Lazy Collection.
The Component will be created by invoking componentFunction when the child is first rendered. The Component will be reused in subsequent renders unless there is a change to deps. deps is an array of dependencies that should contain any props or state that are used inside componentFunction.
A unique identifier for the child
Fix the child to the top of the collection if it is scrolled out of view
A callback that will be invoked when the child is close to or enters the visible area.
Percentage value(0-100) of the width of the parent container to fill
Percentage value(0-100) of the height of the parent container to fill
An array of prop and state values used by componentFunction to create the Component. A change to one of these values will cause componentFunction to recreate the Component.
A function that returns a Component
Add the item by applying componentFunction to it. Similar to children but for a single element
Data model to be rendered as child
A function to create a unique id from data model
A function to create a list of deps from data model
A function that indicates if the child should fix to the top of the collection when it is scrolled out of view
A function that sets the fill width of the child based on the parent container's size
A function that sets the fill height of the child based on the parent container's size
A function that generates a Component from a data model