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Mixing with Android Views

Sections work best when combined with the rendering optimisations that Litho components offer. However, the API also provides support for rendering Android Views instead of (or along with) components. This makes the transition to Sections easier. The advantages of the improved performance are still available regardless of the product's UI using traditional Android Views, Litho components or a mix of the two.

View support is available only through DataDiffSection.

The following code shows how to declare what the framework should render for a certain item:

class MyGroupSectionSpec {

static Children onCreateChildren(
SectionContext c,
@Prop ImmutableList<MyModel> dataModel) {
return Children.create()

static RenderInfo onRenderEvent(
SectionContext c,
@FromEvent MyModel model) {
return ComponentRenderInfo.create()

When an item needs to be rendered on-screen, the framework dispatches a RenderEvent and calls the event handler passed as prop to the DataDiffSection to create a RenderInfo for that item. RenderInfo holds information that allows the framework to understand how a certain item should be rendered.


The most commonly used implementation of RenderInfo is ComponentRenderInfo. The GroupSectionSpec above shows how it can be used to declare an item to be rendered using Litho Components. To render items with views instead, just return a different RenderInfo implementation, namely a ViewRenderInfo instance, from the RenderEvent handler, as shown in the following code:

static RenderInfo onRenderEvent(
SectionContext c,
@FromEvent MyModel model,
@FromEvent int index) {
return ViewRenderInfo.create(c)

ViewRenderInfo has two mandatory props that need to be passed to it: a ViewCreator and a ViewBinder. These props are the logical equivalent of the onCreateViewHolder() and onBindViewHolder() methods of the RecyclerView.Adapter.

The framework provides a no-op implementation of ViewBinder, called SimpleViewBinder, that can be used if there is a need to implement only one of the ViewBinder methods, typically bind(View):

private static SimpleViewBinder VIEW_BINDER =
new SimpleViewBinder<MyView>() {
public void bind(MyView view) {
// this call is equivalent to onBindViewHolder()

Views created by the same ViewCreator instance will be recycled in the same pool in RecyclerView. You can create a static instance of ViewCreator for different view types, which you will use in the sections, then pass a static instance to the ViewRenderInfo.Builder#viewCreator() method to ensure efficient recycling. You can use the model or the index parameters in the RenderEvent handler to decide amongst multiple view types and return the appropriate ViewCreator instance:

private static ViewCreator VIEW_CREATOR =
new ViewCreator<MyView>() {
public MyView createView(Context c, ViewGroup parent) {
// this call is equivalent to onCreateViewHolder()
return new MyView(c);

Mixing components and views​

If the Section needs to render items with a mixture of Litho components and views, it can be achieved by returning the appropriate RenderInfo implementation from the RenderEvent handler, as shown in the following code:

static RenderInfo onRenderEvent(
SectionContext c,
@FromEvent MyModel model) {
if (model.canRenderWithComponent()) {
return ComponentRenderInfo.create()

return ViewRenderInfo.create(c)
new SimpleViewBinder<MyView>() {
public void bind(MyView view) {
// this call is equivalent to onBindViewHolder()