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Coding Style

This page contains Best Practice guidelines for styling code.


  • Components:
    • Name specs consistently with NAMEComponentSpec to generate a component called NAMEComponent.
    • The ComponentContext argument should be simply called c to make the layout code less verbose and more readable.
  • Resource Types - where appropriate, use resource types, such as ResType.STRING, ResType.COLOR, ResType.DIMEN_SIZE, to make it easier to set prop values from Android resources.
  • Props:
    • Declare all required props first then the optional ones (optional = true).
    • Declare common props (props defined for all Components on Component.Builder) after the component's own props.
  • Enums - use static imports on all layout Enums (such as YogaEdge, YogaAlign, YogaJustify) to reduce layout code and make it more readable.
  • Conditionals - use inline conditionals on optional children to keep the layout construction code fluent if possible.
  • Child Container - if constructing a child container, add the container in the following line. This gives the code a layout like construction.
  • Lifecycle methods - such as @OnCreateLayout, should be static and package-private.

The following snippet is an example of an application of the Litho Best Practice coding style:

class MyComponentSpec {

static Component onCreateLayout(
ComponentContext c,
@Prop(resType = STRING) String title,
@Prop(optional = true) Drawable image) {

return Row.create(c)
.marginRes(RIGHT, R.dimen.my_margin))
.child(TextUtils.isEmpty(title) ? null :