
constructor(c: ComponentContext, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int)

Sets up a ComponentTreeHolderPreparerWithSizeImpl as the of this instance. All prepare calls will use the provided width and height specs for preparing, until this instance is configured on a RecyclerBinder and a new ComponentTreeHolderPreparer created by the RecyclerBinder is used, which uses the RecyclerBinder's measurements.


Creates a ComponentWarmer instance which is not ready to prepare items yet. If trying to prepare an item before the ComponentWarmer is ready, the requests will be enqueued and will only be executed once this instance is bound to a ComponentTreeHolderPreparer.

Pass in a ComponentWarmerReadyListener instance to be notified when the instance is ready. Uses a LruCache to manage the internal cache.

constructor(cache: ComponentWarmer.Cache)

constructor(recyclerBinder: RecyclerBinder)

Creates a ComponentWarmer for this RecyclerBinder. This ComponentWarmer instance will use the same ComponentTree factory as the RecyclerBinder. The RecyclerBinder will query the ComponentWarmer for cached items before creating new ComponentTrees. Uses a LruCache to manage the internal cache.

constructor(recyclerBinder: RecyclerBinder, @Nullable cache: ComponentWarmer.Cache)

Same as ComponentWarmer but uses the passed in Cache instance to manage the internal cache.

Creates a ComponentWarmer which will use the provided ComponentTreeHolderPreparer instance to create ComponentTreeHolder instances for preparing and caching items. Uses a LruCache to manage the internal cache.