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This page covers the older Java codegen-based Sections API. If creating a new list in Kotlin, refer to the Lazy Collection docs.

RecyclerView is one of the fundamental building blocks of any Android application that contain a scrolling list of items. Litho recommends using RecyclerCollectionComponent and Sections to build scrolling Lists easily. These APIs can be used to build apps from simple, homogeneous Lists to complex, heterogeneous Lists backed by multiple data sources, all while taking advantage of features such as background layout and incremental mount.

The following sections cover some of the properties available for the RecyclerCollectionComponent, such as horizontal Lists, snapping, and fixed height.

Create a RecyclerCollectionComponent​

As with any other component, the RecyclerCollectionComponent can be used by building it and adding it as a child in the layout:

static Component onCreateLayout(
final ComponentContext c) {
return RecyclerCollectionComponent.create(c)

The above code will eventually render as a RecyclerView whose rows are backed by the contents of the section.

Batteries Included​

RecyclerCollectionComponent includes several practical features for working with Lists. For a full list of props it accepts, see the javadocs. The following sub-sections detail some of its more notable features.

Horizontal Lists​

RecyclerCollectionComponent takes a RecyclerConfiguration prop to determine which Layout Manager to use. By default, if this prop is not specified, it uses an implementation of RecyclerConfiguration called ListRecyclerConfiguration, which will create a LinearLayoutManager with vertical orientation to be used by the RecyclerCollectionComponent.

For a horizontal layout, pass a ListRecyclerConfiguration with a horizontal orientation:

final RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.RecyclerConfiguration
recyclerConfiguration =
new ListRecyclerConfiguration(
LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false /* reverse layout */);

final Component component =
.section(FooSection.create(new SectionContext(c)).build())

Grid Lists​

A Grid List can be created using GridRecyclerConfiguration, as shown in the following code:



In horizontally scrollable Lists, the snapping mode for the RecyclerCollectionComponent can also be configured through the ListRecyclerConfiguration:

final RecyclerCollectionComponentSpec.RecyclerConfiguration
recyclerConfiguration =
new ListRecyclerConfiguration(
LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false /* reverse layout */, SNAP_TO_START);

final Component component =
.section(FooSection.create(new SectionContext(c)).build())

Other snapping options are SNAP_NONE, SNAP_TO_END, and SNAP_TO_CENTER.

Setting the Height of a Horizontal RecyclerCollectionComponent​

There are three methods to set the height of a horizontally scrolling RecyclerCollectionComponent:

  • Fixed height method - a fixed height is set on the H-Scroll component. This is the most performant method and is recommended where possible.
  • Unknown height method - the height is not known when the Component is created so let the h-scroll set its height to the height of the first item.
  • Dynamic height method - lets the h-scroll dynamically change its height to fit the tallest item. This is the least performant method.

For more information on these methods, see the Horizontal Scrolling and Measurement page of the Litho documentation.

Pull to Refresh​

RecyclerCollectionComponent enables pull-to-refresh by default and sends an event handler to the underlying Recycler that will trigger a refresh on the SectionTree.

To disable this functionality, set the disablePTR prop to true:

final Component component =
.section(FooSection.create(new SectionContext(c)).build())

Loading, Empty, and Error screens​

With the sections API, data fetching can be integrated through loading events and services. RecyclerCollectionComponent can listen to these loading events and respond accordingly. Through the props loadingComponent, emptyComponent, and errorComponent, it's possible to specify what to show when certain things occur on fetching data:

  • loadingComponent - data is being loaded and there's nothing in the list.
  • emptyComponent - data has finished loading and there's nothing to show.
  • errorComponent - data loading has failed and there's nothing in the list.
final Component component =
.section(FooSection.create(new SectionContext(c)).build())
.text("Data Fetch has failed").build())
.text("No data to show").build())

For details of props supported by RecyclerCollectionComponent, see its javadoc web page.