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Migrating MountSpecs

This page outlines the process of migrating from MountSpecs to Primitive Components.

Unlike MountSpecs, Primitive Components consist of two separate pieces:

  • PrimitiveComponent.render() - a method that returns a Primitive and Style that will be applied to it.
  • Primitive - an object that encapsulates the logic for creating, measuring, and setting properties on the mount content (a View or a Drawable).

The following two sections contain information on how to migrate MountSpec static lifecycle methods into a Primitive Component render() and the Primitive it returns. The Cheatsheet can also be consulted for a set of links for the migration of individual aspects of existing code.

Setup - Adding Dependencies​

To use the Kotlin Litho API you'll need to add the following dependencies into your BUCK file:

deps = [
"//fbandroid/libraries/components/litho-widget-kotlin/src/main/kotlin/com/facebook/litho/kotlin/widget:widget", # for widgets

More details on the setup steps are outlined in the Introduction and Setup page.


The below example shows a comparison of a simple component implemented with MountSpec and Primitive Component API.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onCreateMountContent(
context: Context
): View {
return View(context)

fun onMeasure(
c: ComponentContext,
layout: ComponentLayout,
widthSpec: Int,
heightSpec: Int,
size: Size
) {
size.width = 100
size.height = 200

fun onMount(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View,
@Prop description: String
) {
view.contentDescription = description

fun onUnmount(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View
) {
view.contentDescription = null

fun shouldUpdate(
@Prop description: Diff<String>
): Boolean {
return description.previous
class FooComponent(
private val description: String
): PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
layoutBehavior = FooLayoutBehavior,
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(
ViewAllocator { context -> View(context) }
) {
description.bindTo(View::setContentDescription, null)

private object FooLayoutBehavior: LayoutBehavior {
override fun LayoutScope.layout(
sizeConstraints: SizeConstraints
): PrimitiveLayoutResult {
return PrimitiveLayoutResult(
width = 100,
height = 200

The Primitive Component API is composable, its most important building blocks are:

  • ViewAllocator - responsible for creating the content it hosts. Content can be a View or a Drawable. For the latter, the DrawableAllocator should be used.
  • LayoutBehavior - responsible for measuring and determining the final size of the Component.
  • MountBehavior - responsible for setting and unsetting properties on the content.

For more information about Primitive Component API refer to the documentation.

Migrating MountSpec to PrimitiveComponent​

Creating components​

In the MountSpec API the component spec class serves as a description which is used by the annotation processor to generate the actual component at compile time. In the Primitive Component API the component is a regular class and annotation processing is no longer needed. To get more details you can read Creating a Primitive Component page.

object FooComponentSpec {
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {

Passing props​

In Spec API for every method parameter annotated with @Prop annotation, a builder method is generated for setting a value of that property when instantiating the component. In Kotlin API props are passed as constructor parameters, and @PropDefaults are replaced by default values of these parameters.

object FooComponentSpec {

@PropDefault const val progress = 0f

fun onMount(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View,
@Prop description: String,
@Prop(optional = true) progress: Float
) {
view.contentDescription = description
class FooComponent(
private val description: String,
private val progress: Float = 0f
): PrimitiveComponent() {

Common props​

In Spec API common props such as margin, clickHandler, alpha could be applied to any сomponent using its generated builder methods. In Primitive Component API similar to other Kotlin API components, if a component wants to accept common props they should be passed via Style prop.

// Allow accepting [Style] for customizing common props
class FooComponent(
private val style: Style? = null
): PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
style = style

// Pass properly configured [Style] instance to a Component
style = Style.scale(2f)

Creating mountable content​

In MountSpec API content creation is configured in the method annotated with @OnCreateMountContent annotation by returning a proper View or Drawable instance. In Primitive Components API it is implemented by creating a ViewAllocator or a DrawableAllocator and passing it to MountBehavior.

More information on Primitive content creation can be found on the dedicated Lifecycle of a Primitive Component page.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onCreateMountContent(
context: Context
): View {
return View(context)
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(
ViewAllocator { context -> View(context) }
) {



Measuring a component using MountSpec API is done by implementing a method annotated with @OnMeasure annotation. The size of a component is returned by setting width and height values on the Size input parameter. In Primitive Component API the measurement logic is defined in an implementation of LayoutBehavior interface. The size of a component is returned in PrimitiveLayoutResult.

More information on Primitive Component content measurement can be found here.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onMeasure(
c: ComponentContext,
layout: ComponentLayout,
widthSpec: Int,
heightSpec: Int,
size: Size
) {
size.width = 100
size.height = 200
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
layoutBehavior = FooLayoutBehavior

private object FooLayoutBehavior: LayoutBehavior {
override fun LayoutScope.layout(
sizeConstraints: SizeConstraints
): PrimitiveLayoutResult {
return PrimitiveLayoutResult(
width = 100,
height = 200


The method annotated with @OnBoundsDefined annotation can receive outputs from method annotated with @OnMeasure annotation and is executed after layout calculation. It can be used to perform additional operations after final size of the Component is known, but before the Component is mounted. In Primitive Component API the logic needs to be merged into a single layout() method.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onMeasure(
c: ComponentContext,
layout: ComponentLayout,
widthSpec: Int,
heightSpec: Int,
size: Size,
measuredWidth: Output<Integer>,
measuredHeight: Output<Integer>
) {
val width = ...
val height = ...


size.width = width
size.height = height

fun onBoundsDefined(
c: ComponentContext,
layout: ComponentLayout,
measuredWidth: Int?,
measuredHeight: Int?) {
// Use measuredWidth and measuredHeight.
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
layoutBehavior = FooLayoutBehavior

private object FooLayoutBehavior: LayoutBehavior {
override fun LayoutScope.layout(
sizeConstraints: SizeConstraints
): PrimitiveLayoutResult {
val width = ...
val height = ...

// Use width and height.

return PrimitiveLayoutResult(
width = width,
height = height

For most common measurement use cases, there are a few built-in LayoutBehavior implementations available.

Mounting content​

@OnMount/@OnUnmount and @ShouldUpdate​

In MountSpec API the properties can be set and unset on the content in methods annotated with @OnMount and @OnUnmount. Additionally a method annotated with @ShouldUpdate can be added to tell the framework when the content should be re-mounted - if @ShouldUpdate method returns true, then @OnUnmount method will be invoked, followed by @OnMount method. In Primitive Components, the bind(deps){} API should be used. The deps parameter is used as a replacement of @ShouldUpdate method - the deps are automatically checked to determine if re-mount should happen.

More information on mounting content with Primitive Component API can be found here.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onMount(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View,
@Prop description: String
) {
view.contentDescription = description

fun onUnmount(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View
) {
view.contentDescription = null

fun shouldUpdate(
@Prop description: Diff<String>
): Boolean {
return description.previous
class FooComponent(
private val description: String
): PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(...) {
bind(description) { content ->
content.contentDescription = description
onUnbind {
content.contentDescription = null
// Or an equivalent but shorter version:
description.bindTo(View::setContentDescription, null)


The @OnBind and @OnUnbind are similar to @OnMount and @OnUnmount, the only difference is that @OnBind and @OnUnbind are called on each update, regardless of the value returned from @ShouldUpdate annotated method. In Primitive Components API @OnBind and @OnUnbind can be replaced with bind(Any()){}. Using Any() as deps will ensure that the content will be re-mounted every time.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onBind(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View,
@Prop description: String
) {
view.contentDescription = description

fun onUnbind(
c: ComponentContext,
view: View
) {
view.contentDescription = null
class FooComponent(
private val description: String
): PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(...) {
bind(Any()) { content ->
content.contentDescription = description
onUnbind {
content.contentDescription = null


Dynamic props are properties that are applied directly to a View or Drawable without triggering a new layout or mount. In MountSpec API the dynamic value is set on a content by annotating a method with @OnBindDynamicValue annotation. In PrimitiveComponents API bindDynamic API should be used.

object FooComponentSpec {
fun onBindAlpha(
content: View,
@Prop(dynamic = true) alphaValue: Float
) {
content.alpha = alphaValue
class FooComponent(
private val alpha: DynamicValue<Float>,
): PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(...) {
bindDynamic(alpha) { content, alphaValue ->
content.alpha = alphaValue
onUnbindDynamic {
content.alpha = 1f


In MountSpec API pre-allocation is configured by providing the parameters to @MountSpec annotation. In Primitive Component API the pre-allocation is configured via ViewAllocator/DrawableAllocator.

More information on Primitive Component pre-allocation can be found here.

@MountSpec(canPreallocate = true, poolSize = 5)
object FooComponentSpec {
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(
canPreallocate = true,
poolSize = 5
) { context -> View(context) }
) {

Pre-filling content pool​

Content can be manually pre-filled ahead of time using one of the methods from MountItemsPool, such as prefillMountContentPool. For MountSpec API the Component instance should be passed as the ContentAllocator parameter. In Primitive Components API a ViewAllocator/DrawableAllocator should be passed instead. In order to do that, the allocator can be defined inside of a companion object which will allow for accessing it without creating an instance of the Component.

More information on pre-filling content pools with Primitive Component API can be found here.

// Preallocate 40 FooComponent components.
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(ALLOCATOR) {

companion object {
val ALLOCATOR = ViewAllocator { context ->

// Preallocate 40 FooComponent components.


Configuring hasChildLithoViews in MountSpec API is done by passing the boolean value to @MountSpec's parameter. In Primitive Components API there is a doesMountRenderTreeHosts flag available inside of MountConfigurationScope.

@MountSpec(hasChildLithoViews = true)
object FooComponentSpec {
class FooComponent: PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(
ViewAllocator { context -> View(context) }
) {
doesMountRenderTreeHosts = true


Excluding a Component from Incremental Mount in MountSpec API is done by creating a method annotated with @ShouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount annotation. If such method returns true, then the Component will be excluded from Incremental Mount. In Primitive Components API there is a shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount flag available inside of MountConfigurationScope.

@MountSpec(hasChildLithoViews = true)
object FooComponentSpec {
fun shouldPreMount(
@Prop excludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean
): Boolean {
return excludeFromIncrementalMount
class FooComponent(
private val excludeFromIncrementalMount: Boolean
): PrimitiveComponent() {
override fun PrimitiveComponentScope.render(): LithoPrimitive {
return LithoPrimitive(
mountBehavior = MountBehavior(
ViewAllocator { context -> View(context) }
) {
shouldExcludeFromIncrementalMount = excludeFromIncrementalMount



In Primitive Component API there is no equivalent of @MountSpec(isPureRender = true). All Primitive Components are pure render. When migrating from MountSpec to Primitive Component, the isPureRender parameter should be ignored.

@OnPrepare and@OnLoadStyle​

In Primitive Component API there is no equivalent of @OnPrepare and @OnLoadStyle. When migrating from MountSpec to Primitive Component, the @OnPrepare and @OnLoadStyle logic should be placed in Primitive Component's render() method.