
fun measureMightNotCacheInternalNode(c: ComponentContext, widthSpec: Int, heightSpec: Int, outputSize: Size)


Should not be used! Components should be manually measured only as part of a LayoutState calculation. This will measure a component and set the size in the outputSize object but the measurement result will not be cached and reused for future measurements of this component.

This is very inefficient because it throws away the InternalNode from measuring here and will have to remeasure when the component needs to be measured as part of a LayoutState. This will lead to suboptimal performance.

You probably don't need to use this. If you really need to measure your Component outside of a LayoutState calculation reach out to the Litho team to discuss an alternative solution.

If this is called during a LayoutState calculation, it will delegate to onMeasure, which does cache the measurement result for the duration of this LayoutState.