fun hasCompatibleSizeSpec(oldWidthSpec: Int, oldHeightSpec: Int, newWidthSpec: Int, newHeightSpec: Int, oldMeasuredWidth: Int, oldMeasuredHeight: Int): Boolean
Check if a cached nested tree has compatible SizeSpec to be reused as is or if it needs to be recomputed.
The conditions to be able to re-use previous measurements are: 1) The measureSpec is the same 2) The new measureSpec is EXACTLY and the last measured size matches the measureSpec size.
The old measureSpec is UNSPECIFIED, the new one is AT_MOST and the old measured size is smaller that the maximum size the new measureSpec will allow. 4) Both measure specs are AT_MOST. The old measure spec allows a bigger size than the new and the old measured size is smaller than the allowed max size for the new sizeSpec.