
open fun setVisibilityHint(isVisible: Boolean, skipMountingIfNotVisible: Boolean)

Marked as @Deprecated. setVisibilityHint should be used instead, which by default does not process new mount events while the visibility hint is set to false (skipMountingIfNotVisible should be set to true). This method should only be used to maintain the contract with the usages of setVisibilityHint before `skipMountingIfNotVisible` was made to default to true. All usages should be audited and migrated to setVisibilityHint.

open fun setVisibilityHint(isVisible: Boolean)

Deprecated: Consider subscribing the LithoView to a LithoLifecycleOwner instead.

Call this to tell the LithoView whether it is visible or not. In general, you shouldn't require this as the system will do this for you. However, when a new activity/fragment is added on top of the one hosting this view, the LithoView remains in the backstack but receives no callback to indicate that it is no longer visible.

While the LithoView has the visibility hint set to false, it will be treated by the framework as not in the viewport, so no new mounting events will be processed until the visibility hint is set back to true.



if true, this will find the current visible rect and process visibility outputs using it. If false, any invisible and unfocused events will be called.