Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
Text.Builder |
accessibleClickableSpans(boolean accessibleClickableSpans) |
Text.Builder |
accessibleClickableSpansAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
accessibleClickableSpansAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
accessibleClickableSpansRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
alignment(TextAlignment alignment) |
Text.Builder |
breakStrategy(int breakStrategy) |
Text |
build() |
Text.Builder |
clickableSpanExpandedOffsetAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
clickableSpanExpandedOffsetAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
clickableSpanExpandedOffsetDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
clickableSpanExpandedOffsetPx(float clickableSpanExpandedOffset) |
Text.Builder |
clickableSpanExpandedOffsetRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
clickableSpanExpandedOffsetSp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
clipToBounds(boolean clipToBounds) |
Text.Builder |
customEllipsisText(java.lang.CharSequence customEllipsisText) |
Text.Builder |
customEllipsisTextAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
customEllipsisTextAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
customEllipsisTextRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
customEllipsisTextRes(int resId,
java.lang.Object... formatArgs) |
Text.Builder |
dynamicTextColor(DynamicValue<java.lang.Integer> dynamicTextColor) |
Text.Builder |
dynamicTextColor(java.lang.Integer dynamicTextColor) |
Text.Builder |
ellipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize) |
Text.Builder |
extraSpacingAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
extraSpacingAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
extraSpacingDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
extraSpacingPx(float extraSpacing) |
Text.Builder |
extraSpacingRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
extraSpacingSp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
getThis() |
Text.Builder |
glyphWarming(boolean glyphWarming) |
Text.Builder |
highlightColor(int highlightColor) |
Text.Builder |
highlightColorAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
highlightColorAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
highlightColorRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
highlightEndOffset(int highlightEndOffset) |
Text.Builder |
highlightStartOffset(int highlightStartOffset) |
Text.Builder |
hyphenationFrequency(int hyphenationFrequency) |
Text.Builder |
isSingleLine(boolean isSingleLine) |
Text.Builder |
isSingleLineAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
isSingleLineAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
isSingleLineRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
justificationMode(int justificationMode) |
Text.Builder |
letterSpacing(float letterSpacing) |
Text.Builder |
letterSpacingAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
letterSpacingAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
letterSpacingRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
lineHeightAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
lineHeightAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
lineHeightDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
lineHeightPx(float lineHeight) |
Text.Builder |
lineHeightRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
lineHeightSp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
linkColor(int linkColor) |
Text.Builder |
linkColorAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
linkColorAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
linkColorRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
maxEms(int maxEms) |
Text.Builder |
maxEmsAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
maxEmsAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
maxEmsRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
maxLines(int maxLines) |
Text.Builder |
maxLinesAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
maxLinesAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
maxLinesRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
maxTextWidthAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
maxTextWidthAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
maxTextWidthDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
maxTextWidthPx(int maxTextWidth) |
Text.Builder |
maxTextWidthRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
minEms(int minEms) |
Text.Builder |
minEmsAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
minEmsAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
minEmsRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
minimallyWide(boolean minimallyWide) |
Text.Builder |
minimallyWideThresholdAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
minimallyWideThresholdAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
minimallyWideThresholdDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
minimallyWideThresholdPx(int minimallyWideThreshold) |
Text.Builder |
minimallyWideThresholdRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
minLines(int minLines) |
Text.Builder |
minLinesAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
minLinesAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
minLinesRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
minTextWidthAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
minTextWidthAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
minTextWidthDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
minTextWidthPx(int minTextWidth) |
Text.Builder |
minTextWidthRes(int resId) |
protected void |
setComponent(Component component) |
Text.Builder |
shadowColor(int shadowColor) |
Text.Builder |
shadowColorAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowColorAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowColorRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDxAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDxAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDxDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDxPx(float shadowDx) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDxRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDxSp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDyAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDyAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDyDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDyPx(float shadowDy) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDyRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowDySp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
shadowRadiusAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowRadiusAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowRadiusDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
shadowRadiusPx(float shadowRadius) |
Text.Builder |
shadowRadiusRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
shadowRadiusSp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
shouldIncludeFontPadding(boolean shouldIncludeFontPadding) |
Text.Builder |
shouldIncludeFontPaddingAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
shouldIncludeFontPaddingAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
shouldIncludeFontPaddingRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
spacingMultiplier(float spacingMultiplier) |
Text.Builder |
spacingMultiplierAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
spacingMultiplierAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
spacingMultiplierRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
spanListener(ClickableSpanListener spanListener) |
Text.Builder |
text(java.lang.CharSequence text) |
Text.Builder |
textAlignment(Layout.Alignment textAlignment) |
Text.Builder |
textAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
textAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
textColor(int textColor) |
Text.Builder |
textColorAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
textColorAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
textColorRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
textColorStateList(ColorStateList textColorStateList) |
Text.Builder |
textDirection(TextDirectionHeuristicCompat textDirection) |
Text.Builder |
textOffsetOnTouchEventHandler(EventHandler<TextOffsetOnTouchEvent> textOffsetOnTouchEventHandler) |
Text.Builder |
textOffsetOnTouchHandler(EventHandler textOffsetOnTouchHandler) |
Text.Builder |
textRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
textRes(int resId,
java.lang.Object... formatArgs) |
Text.Builder |
textSizeAttr(int attrResId) |
Text.Builder |
textSizeAttr(int attrResId,
int defResId) |
Text.Builder |
textSizeDip(float dip) |
Text.Builder |
textSizePx(int textSize) |
Text.Builder |
textSizeRes(int resId) |
Text.Builder |
textSizeSp(float sip) |
Text.Builder |
textStyle(int textStyle) |
Text.Builder |
touchableSpanListener(TouchableSpanListener touchableSpanListener) |
Text.Builder |
typeface(Typeface typeface) |
Text.Builder |
verticalGravity(VerticalGravity verticalGravity) |